On 08/22/2017 12:39 PM, Jarkko Sakkinen wrote:
On Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 11:15:36PM -0500, Jiandi An wrote:
For ARM64, the locality is handled by Trust Zone in FW.
The layout does not have crb_regs_head.  It is hitting
the following line.
dev_warn(dev, FW_BUG "Bad ACPI memory layout");

Current code excludes CRB_FL_ACPI_START and when
CRB_FL_CRB_SMC_START is added around the same time
locality support is added, it should also be excluded.

For goIdle and cmdReady where code was excluding
CRB_FL_ACPI_START only (do nothing for ACPI start method),
CRB_FL_CRB_SMC_START was also excluded as ARM64 SMC start
method does not have TPM_CRB_CTRL_REQ.
Change if confition to white list instead of black list.

Signed-off-by: Jiandi An <anjia...@codeaurora.org>
 drivers/char/tpm/tpm_crb.c | 35 ++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/char/tpm/tpm_crb.c b/drivers/char/tpm/tpm_crb.c
index 8f0a98d..cbfdbdde 100644
--- a/drivers/char/tpm/tpm_crb.c
+++ b/drivers/char/tpm/tpm_crb.c
@@ -128,18 +128,16 @@ struct tpm2_crb_smc {
  * Anyhow, we do not wait here as a consequent CMD_READY request
  * will be handled correctly even if idle was not completed.
- * The function does nothing for devices with ACPI-start method.
+ * The function does nothing for devices with ACPI-start method
+ * or SMC-start method.
  * Return: 0 always
 static int __maybe_unused crb_go_idle(struct device *dev, struct crb_priv 
-       if ((priv->flags & CRB_FL_ACPI_START) ||
-           (priv->flags & CRB_FL_CRB_SMC_START))
-               return 0;
-       iowrite32(CRB_CTRL_REQ_GO_IDLE, &priv->regs_t->ctrl_req);
-       /* we don't really care when this settles */
+       if ((priv->flags & (CRB_FL_ACPI_START | CRB_FL_CRB_SMC_START)) == 0)
+               iowrite32(CRB_CTRL_REQ_GO_IDLE, &priv->regs_t->ctrl_req);
+               /* we don't really care when this settles */

It's *exactly* the same condition expessed in different form.

I'm sorry perhaps I didn't fully understand the workaround specific to Intel PPT. In previous patch thread, you mentioned the following where
a platform could report to require start method 2 (ACPI start) which is
sm = ACPI_TPM2_START_METHOD, and actually requires start method 8, which

But you listed the following code logic which for either sm = 2 or
sm = 8, CRB_FL_ACPI_START flag is set.

        priv->flags |= CRB_FL_ACPI_START;

So I'm a little confused about the PPT workaround you mentioned

/* The reason for the extra quirk is that the PTT in 4th Gen Core CPUs
 * report only ACPI start but in practice seems to require both
 * ACPI start and CRB start.
    !strcmp(acpi_device_hid(device), "MSFT0101"))
        priv->flags |= CRB_FL_CRB_START;

I took it as some platform sm = 2 or sm = 8 which CRB_FL_ACPI_START
flag is set, additionally, if HID = MSFT0101, CRB_FL_CRB_START flag
is set.

So I took it as the PPT workaround you mentioned is an instance where

The original code logic for crb_go_idle() and crb_cmd_ready() only
exclude CRB_FL_ACPI_START, saying crb_go_idle() and crb_cmd_ready()
do nothing if CRB_FL_ACPI_START is set.

static int __maybe_unused crb_go_idle(struct device *dev,
                                      struct crb_priv *priv)
     if (priv->flags & CRB_FL_ACPI_START)
         return 0;

So even in the case when both CRB_FL_ACPI_START and CRB_FL_CRB_START
are set, crb_go_idle() and crb_cmd_ready() will not do anything because

And when SMC start method was enabled for ARM64, I further excluded

static int __maybe_unused crb_go_idle(struct device *dev,
                                      struct crb_priv *priv)
     if ((priv->flags & CRB_FL_ACPI_START) ||
         (prive->flags & CRB_FL_CRB_SMC_START))
         return 0;

And Jason's comment was telling me to have these list the cases where
crb_go_idle() and crb_cmd_ready() are known to be required.  Less
brittle that way.  And he gave example...

if ((priv->flags & (CRB_FL_ACPI_START | CRB_FL_CRB_START)) == 0)
       return 0

The following is your comment and Jason's comment in the other patch
thread discussion here

What about platforms with firmware bug that they report only requiring
ACPI start but actually also require CRB start.

        priv->flags |= CRB_FL_ACPI_START;

I've encountered a platform that reports to require start method 2 (ACPI
start) while it actually requires start method 8.

That's why we have this nasty workaround:

/* The reason for the extra quirk is that the PTT in 4th Gen Core CPUs
 * report only ACPI start but in practice seems to require both
 * ACPI start and CRB start.
    !strcmp(acpi_device_hid(device), "MSFT0101"))
        priv->flags |= CRB_FL_CRB_START;

Also, since start method 8 exist in the spec, it is a legit config.


I think it would be better to have these list the cases where go_idle
is known to be required. Less brittle that way..

  if ((priv->flags & (CRB_FL_ACPI_START | CRB_FL_CRB_START)) == 0)
       return 0


The intent of this patch is to additionally exclude CRB_FL_CRB_SMC_START
from crb_go_idle(), crb_cmd_ready(), and the check for "Bad ACPI memory
layout" in crb_map_io(), on top of current conditions.

The original code just has as long as CRB_FL_ACPI_START is not set,
don't do crb_go_idle(), crb_cmd_ready() and the additional check for
"Bad ACPI memory layout" in crb_map_io().

Could you share some insight on what exact conditions are for crb_go_idle(), crb_cmd_ready(), and the check "BAD ACPI memory layout" in crb_map_io()?

Is it as long as !CRB_FL_ACPI_START? (before SMC was added, that just
means CRB_FL_CRB_START is set).
So with the PTT workaround condition, are you suggesting the following
conditions are when crb_go_idle(), crb_cmd_ready(), and check for "Bad ACPI memory layout" in crb_map_io() should run?

1. CRB_FL_CRB_START is set.

- Jiandi

        return 0;
@@ -174,23 +172,22 @@ static bool crb_wait_for_reg_32(u32 __iomem *reg, u32 
mask, u32 value,
  * The device should respond within TIMEOUT_C.
  * The function does nothing for devices with ACPI-start method
+ * or SMC-start method.
  * Return: 0 on success -ETIME on timeout;
 static int __maybe_unused crb_cmd_ready(struct device *dev,
                                        struct crb_priv *priv)
-       if ((priv->flags & CRB_FL_ACPI_START) ||
-           (priv->flags & CRB_FL_CRB_SMC_START))
-               return 0;
-       iowrite32(CRB_CTRL_REQ_CMD_READY, &priv->regs_t->ctrl_req);
-       if (!crb_wait_for_reg_32(&priv->regs_t->ctrl_req,
-                                CRB_CTRL_REQ_CMD_READY /* mask */,
-                                0, /* value */
-                                TPM2_TIMEOUT_C)) {
-               dev_warn(dev, "cmdReady timed out\n");
-               return -ETIME;
+       if ((priv->flags & (CRB_FL_ACPI_START | CRB_FL_CRB_SMC_START)) == 0) {
+               iowrite32(CRB_CTRL_REQ_CMD_READY, &priv->regs_t->ctrl_req);
+               if (!crb_wait_for_reg_32(&priv->regs_t->ctrl_req,
+                                        CRB_CTRL_REQ_CMD_READY /* mask */,
+                                        0, /* value */
+                                        TPM2_TIMEOUT_C)) {
+                       dev_warn(dev, "cmdReady timed out\n");
+                       return -ETIME;
+               }

        return 0;
@@ -458,7 +455,7 @@ static int crb_map_io(struct acpi_device *device, struct 
crb_priv *priv,
         * the control area, as one nice sane region except for some older
         * stuff that puts the control area outside the ACPI IO region.
-       if (!(priv->flags & CRB_FL_ACPI_START)) {
+       if ((priv->flags & (CRB_FL_ACPI_START | CRB_FL_CRB_SMC_START)) == 0) {
                if (buf->control_address == io_res.start +
                        priv->regs_h = priv->iobase;
Jiandi An
Qualcomm Datacenter Technologies, Inc. as an affiliate of Qualcomm 
Technologies, Inc.
Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. is a member of the Code Aurora Forum, a Linux 
Foundation Collaborative Project.



Jiandi An
Qualcomm Datacenter Technologies, Inc. as an affiliate of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. is a member of the Code Aurora Forum, a Linux Foundation Collaborative Project.

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