"Benjamin Monate

> In his message of Sat 18 November, Andrew Morton writes :
> > Try booting with the `noapic' option.  Looks like your APIC
> > is getting itself unprogrammed.  Check that you're not
> > overclocked and not over temperature.
> Booting with noapic did not improve anything.
> The processor is not supposed to be overclocked. How can I be sure of
> that ?
> Further investigations showed that the problem will occur only when
> Xfree 4.0.1 is running with an smp kenel . Xfree 3.3.6 is ok. Could this
> be a bug in X ?  I thought that the kernel should prevent such a bug
> from locking the computer.
> Thank you again for your help.
> --

What 's your video card ? Not something running with closed source drivers ?
(namely G-force)
The kernel cannot prevent drivers from locking PCI/AGP bus.

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