On 25 Apr 2017 at 9:39, Kees Cook wrote: > On Tue, Apr 25, 2017 at 4:26 AM, PaX Team <pagee...@freemail.hu> wrote: > > INT_MAX threads would be needed when the leaking path is locked so > > that it can only be exercised once and you'll need to get normal > > (balanced) paths preempted just after the increment. if the leaking > > path is lockless (can be exercised in parallel without bounds) then > > 2 threads are enough where the one triggering the signed overflow > > would have to be preempted while the other one does INT_MAX increments > > and trigger the UAF. this is where the other mechanisms i talked about > > in the past become relevant: preemption or interrupts can be disabled > > or negative refcount values can be detected and acted upon (your blind > > copy-pasting effort passed upon this latter opportunity by not > > specializing the 'jo' into 'js' for the refcount case). > > Well, it's not "blind" -- I'm trying to bring the code as-is to > upstream for discussion/examination with as little functional > differences as possible so it's easier to compare apples to apples.
you copied code from a version which is at least 2 major kernel revisions behind (so much for those apples), you chose the one version which had a bug that you didn't spot nor fix properly, you didn't realize the opportunity that a special refcount type represents, you claimed refcount underflows aren't exploitable but copied code that would detect signed underflow, you didn't understand the limits and edge cases i explained above... need i go on? doesn't leave one with great confidence in your ability to understand and maintain this code...