From: Kim Phillips <>

For ARM we remove the list that contains non-arm insns, and
instead add more maintainable branch instruction regex logic.

Signed-off-by: Kim Phillips <>
Signed-off-by: Ravi Bangoria <>
Changes in v7:
  - Little bit change in initializing instruction list.

 tools/perf/util/annotate.c | 177 +++++++++++++++++----------------------------
 1 file changed, 65 insertions(+), 112 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/perf/util/annotate.c b/tools/perf/util/annotate.c
index fc44dd1..83d5ac8 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/annotate.c
+++ b/tools/perf/util/annotate.c
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ const char    *disassembler_style;
 const char     *objdump_path;
 static regex_t  file_lineno;
 static char    *norm_arch;
+static regex_t arm_call_insn, arm_jump_insn;
 static struct ins *ins__find(const char *name);
 static int disasm_line__parse(char *line, char **namep, char **rawp);
@@ -449,98 +450,7 @@ static struct ins instructions_x86[] = {
        { .name = "retq",  .ops  = &ret_ops, },
-static struct ins instructions_arm[] = {
-       { .name = "add",   .ops  = &mov_ops, },
-       { .name = "addl",  .ops  = &mov_ops, },
-       { .name = "addq",  .ops  = &mov_ops, },
-       { .name = "addw",  .ops  = &mov_ops, },
-       { .name = "and",   .ops  = &mov_ops, },
-       { .name = "b",     .ops  = &jump_ops, }, /* might also be a call */
-       { .name = "bcc",   .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "bcs",   .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "beq",   .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "bge",   .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "bgt",   .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "bhi",   .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "bl",    .ops  = &call_ops, },
-       { .name = "bls",   .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "blt",   .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "blx",   .ops  = &call_ops, },
-       { .name = "bne",   .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "bts",   .ops  = &mov_ops, },
-       { .name = "call",  .ops  = &call_ops, },
-       { .name = "callq", .ops  = &call_ops, },
-       { .name = "cmp",   .ops  = &mov_ops, },
-       { .name = "cmpb",  .ops  = &mov_ops, },
-       { .name = "cmpl",  .ops  = &mov_ops, },
-       { .name = "cmpq",  .ops  = &mov_ops, },
-       { .name = "cmpw",  .ops  = &mov_ops, },
-       { .name = "cmpxch", .ops  = &mov_ops, },
-       { .name = "dec",   .ops  = &dec_ops, },
-       { .name = "decl",  .ops  = &dec_ops, },
-       { .name = "imul",  .ops  = &mov_ops, },
-       { .name = "inc",   .ops  = &dec_ops, },
-       { .name = "incl",  .ops  = &dec_ops, },
-       { .name = "ja",    .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "jae",   .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "jb",    .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "jbe",   .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "jc",    .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "jcxz",  .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "je",    .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "jecxz", .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "jg",    .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "jge",   .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "jl",    .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "jle",   .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "jmp",   .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "jmpq",  .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "jna",   .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "jnae",  .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "jnb",   .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "jnbe",  .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "jnc",   .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "jne",   .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "jng",   .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "jnge",  .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "jnl",   .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "jnle",  .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "jno",   .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "jnp",   .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "jns",   .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "jnz",   .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "jo",    .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "jp",    .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "jpe",   .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "jpo",   .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "jrcxz", .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "js",    .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "jz",    .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "lea",   .ops  = &mov_ops, },
-       { .name = "lock",  .ops  = &lock_ops, },
-       { .name = "mov",   .ops  = &mov_ops, },
-       { .name = "movb",  .ops  = &mov_ops, },
-       { .name = "movdqa",.ops  = &mov_ops, },
-       { .name = "movl",  .ops  = &mov_ops, },
-       { .name = "movq",  .ops  = &mov_ops, },
-       { .name = "movslq", .ops  = &mov_ops, },
-       { .name = "movzbl", .ops  = &mov_ops, },
-       { .name = "movzwl", .ops  = &mov_ops, },
-       { .name = "nop",   .ops  = &nop_ops, },
-       { .name = "nopl",  .ops  = &nop_ops, },
-       { .name = "nopw",  .ops  = &nop_ops, },
-       { .name = "or",    .ops  = &mov_ops, },
-       { .name = "orl",   .ops  = &mov_ops, },
-       { .name = "test",  .ops  = &mov_ops, },
-       { .name = "testb", .ops  = &mov_ops, },
-       { .name = "testl", .ops  = &mov_ops, },
-       { .name = "xadd",  .ops  = &mov_ops, },
-       { .name = "xbeginl", .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "xbeginq", .ops  = &jump_ops, },
-       { .name = "retq",  .ops  = &ret_ops, },
-struct instructions_powerpc {
+struct instructions_arch {
        struct ins *ins;
        struct list_head list;
@@ -560,41 +470,41 @@ static int ins__cmp(const void *a, const void *b)
        return strcmp(ia->name, ib->name);
-static struct ins *list_add__ins_powerpc(struct instructions_powerpc *head,
-                                        const char *name, struct ins_ops *ops)
+static struct ins *list_add__ins_arch(struct instructions_arch *head,
+                                     const char *name, struct ins_ops *ops)
-       struct instructions_powerpc *ins_powerpc;
+       struct instructions_arch *ins_arch;
        struct ins *ins;
        ins = zalloc(sizeof(struct ins));
        if (!ins)
                return NULL;
-       ins_powerpc = zalloc(sizeof(struct instructions_powerpc));
-       if (!ins_powerpc)
+       ins_arch = zalloc(sizeof(struct instructions_arch));
+       if (!ins_arch)
                goto out_free_ins;
        ins->name = strdup(name);
        if (!ins->name)
-               goto out_free_ins_power;
+               goto out_free_ins_arch;
        ins->ops = ops;
-       ins_powerpc->ins = ins;
-       list_add_tail(&(ins_powerpc->list), &(head->list));
+       ins_arch->ins = ins;
+       list_add_tail(&(ins_arch->list), &(head->list));
        return ins;
-       zfree(&ins_powerpc);
+       zfree(&ins_arch);
        return NULL;
-static struct ins *list_search__ins_powerpc(struct instructions_powerpc *head,
-                                           const char *name)
+static struct ins *list_search__ins_arch(struct instructions_arch *head,
+                                        const char *name)
-       struct instructions_powerpc *pos;
+       struct instructions_arch *pos;
        list_for_each_entry(pos, &head->list, list) {
                if (!strcmp(pos->ins->name, name))
@@ -608,7 +518,7 @@ static struct ins *ins__find_powerpc(const char *name)
        int i;
        struct ins *ins;
        struct ins_ops *ops;
-       static struct instructions_powerpc head = {
+       static struct instructions_arch head = {
                .list = LIST_HEAD_INIT(head.list),
@@ -625,7 +535,7 @@ static struct ins *ins__find_powerpc(const char *name)
         * Return if we already have object of 'struct ins' for this instruction
-       ins = list_search__ins_powerpc(&head, name);
+       ins = list_search__ins_arch(&head, name);
        if (ins)
                return ins;
@@ -662,7 +572,40 @@ static struct ins *ins__find_powerpc(const char *name)
         * Add instruction to list so next time no need to
         * allocate memory for it.
-       return list_add__ins_powerpc(&head, name, ops);
+       return list_add__ins_arch(&head, name, ops);
+static struct ins *ins__find_arm(const char *name)
+       struct ins *ins;
+       struct ins_ops *ops = &mov_ops;
+       regmatch_t match[2];
+       int ret;
+       static struct instructions_arch head = {
+               .list = LIST_HEAD_INIT(head.list),
+       };
+       /*
+        * Return if we already have object of 'struct ins' for this instruction
+        */
+       ins = list_search__ins_arch(&head, name);
+       if (ins)
+               return ins;
+       ret = regexec(&arm_call_insn, name, 2, match, 0);
+       if (!ret) {
+               ops = &call_ops;
+       } else {
+               ret = regexec(&arm_jump_insn, name, 2, match, 0);
+               if (!ret)
+                       ops = &jump_ops;
+       }
+       /*
+        * Add instruction to list so next time no need to
+        * allocate memory for it.
+        */
+       return list_add__ins_arch(&head, name, ops);
 static void ins__sort(struct ins *instructions, int nmemb)
@@ -682,15 +625,26 @@ static const char *annotate__norm_arch(char *arch)
        return normalize_arch(arch);
+#define ARM_CONDS "(cc|cs|eq|ge|gt|hi|le|ls|lt|mi|ne|pl|vc|vs)"
 static struct ins *ins__find(const char *name)
        static bool sorted;
        struct ins *instructions;
-       int nmemb;
+       int nmemb, ret;
        if (!sorted) {
                ins__sort(instructions_x86, ARRAY_SIZE(instructions_x86));
-               ins__sort(instructions_arm, ARRAY_SIZE(instructions_arm));
+               if (!strcmp(norm_arch, "arm")) {
+                       ret = regcomp(&arm_call_insn,
+                                     "^blx?" ARM_CONDS "?$", REG_EXTENDED);
+                       ret |= regcomp(&arm_jump_insn,
+                                      "^bx?" ARM_CONDS "?$", REG_EXTENDED);
+                       if (ret) {
+                               pr_err("regcomp failed\n");
+                               return NULL;
+                       }
+               }
                sorted = true;
@@ -698,8 +652,7 @@ static struct ins *ins__find(const char *name)
                instructions = instructions_x86;
                nmemb = ARRAY_SIZE(instructions_x86);
        } else if (!strcmp(norm_arch, "arm")) {
-               instructions = instructions_arm;
-               nmemb = ARRAY_SIZE(instructions_arm);
+               return ins__find_arm(name);
        } else if (!strcmp(norm_arch, "powerpc")) {
                return ins__find_powerpc(name);
        } else {

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