Current perf is not able to parse jump instruction when second operand
contains target address. Arch like powerpc has such instructions. For
example, 'bne  cr7,0xc0000000000f6154'.

objdump o/p:
  c0000000000f6140:   ld     r9,1032(r31)
  c0000000000f6144:   cmpdi  cr7,r9,0
  c0000000000f6148:   bne    cr7,0xc0000000000f6154
  c0000000000f614c:   ld     r9,2312(r30)
  c0000000000f6150:   std    r9,1032(r31)
  c0000000000f6154:   ld     r9,88(r31)

Before patch:
         ld     r9,1032(r31)
         cmpdi  cr7,r9,0
      v  bne    3ffffffffff09f2c
         ld     r9,2312(r30)
         std    r9,1032(r31)
  74:    ld     r9,88(r31)

After patch:
         ld     r9,1032(r31)
         cmpdi  cr7,r9,0
      v  bne    74
         ld     r9,2312(r30)
         std    r9,1032(r31)
  74:    ld     r9,88(r31)

Signed-off-by: Ravi Bangoria <>
Changes in v7:
  - Added example in description

 tools/perf/util/annotate.c | 6 +++++-
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/tools/perf/util/annotate.c b/tools/perf/util/annotate.c
index 1ccf26a..a9dbac1 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/annotate.c
+++ b/tools/perf/util/annotate.c
@@ -122,8 +122,12 @@ bool ins__is_call(const struct ins *ins)
 static int jump__parse(struct ins_operands *ops, struct map *map 
        const char *s = strchr(ops->raw, '+');
+       const char *c = strchr(ops->raw, ',');
-       ops->target.addr = strtoull(ops->raw, NULL, 16);
+       if (c++ != NULL)
+               ops->target.addr = strtoull(c, NULL, 16);
+       else
+               ops->target.addr = strtoull(ops->raw, NULL, 16);
        if (s++ != NULL)
                ops->target.offset = strtoull(s, NULL, 16);

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