On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 11:39:49AM -0400, David Miller wrote: > From: Lars Ellenberg <lars.ellenb...@linbit.com> > Date: Tue, 10 May 2016 11:40:23 +0200
excuse me for reordering the original: > Anyways, back to the topic, can you please just relent and come to > some kind of agreement about the fix for this alignment bug? I thought we did? I'm fine with the "v3", it even carries my signed-of-by. Whether or not Nicholas wants to prefix those headers with drbd_, I don't really care. > This is taking a very long time and patches are just rotting in > patchwork with no resolution. Why would Nicholas asked how to go about DRBD, I suggested to use 0 as a padding attribute, and after taking a detour, he did. All good. Rest of original: > > If we introduce a new config option, > > we have to add it to the config scanner (one line), > > define min, max, default and scale (four short defines), > > and add it to the netlink definition here (one line). > > Done, rest of the code is generated, > > both on the kernel side, > > and on the drbd-utils side used to talk to the kernel. > > We found that to be very convenient. > > But it entirely misses the core design point of netlink. > > Sender and receive _DO NOT_ need to coordinate at all. That's the > whole point. So tightly coupling such coordination is going to run > you into all kinds of problems. > > When implemented properly, the sender can emit whatever attributes it > knows about and can generate, and the receive scans the attributes one > by one and picks out the ones it understands and processes them. > > If you go against this model > then you have no clean way to We don't. We extend (not violate) that model, so the sender *may* indicate to the recipient that for some particular attribute, the sender would rather have an "I don't understand this" return than a silent ignore. And that we can indicate in the definition of the attributes which ones are required to make a message meaningful. > extend things whilst allowing existing software to continue working. *that* is exactly why we use netlink, and why we do things with it the way we do. Actually I think what we are doing there is, comparatively, "elegant". You obviously don't have to agree. I could discuss this in more detail, but I assume you are not really interested, at least not here and now. Thanks, Lars