On Sun, May 01, 2016 at 12:35:37AM -0400, Sinan Kaya wrote:
> >>> >
> >>> > Hmm, have you thought about using regmap?
> >>>
> >>> To be honest, I didn't know what regmap is but I just read some code
> >>> and looked at how it is used. Feel free to correct me if I got it
> >>> wrong.
> >>>
> >>> Regmap seems to be designed for *slow* speed peripherals to improve 
> >>> frequent
> >>> accesses by the SW. It looks like it is used by MFD, SPI and I2C drivers.
> >>>
> >>> It seems to cache the register contents and flush/invalidate them only 
> >>> when
> >>> needed.
> >>>
> >>> The MMIO version seems to be assuming the presence of device-tree like CLK
> >>> API which doesn't exist on ACPI systems and is not portable.
> >>>
> >>> My reaction is that it is a lot of code with no added functionality to 
> >>> what
> >>> HIDMA driver is trying to achieve.
> >>>
> >>> Given that the use case here is only for debug purposes; I think it is OK
> >>> to keep this runtime call here. I don't want to add any overhead into the
> >>> existing code just to support the debug use case.
> >>>
> >>> None of my register read/writes are slow. This file will only be used to
> >>> troubleshoot customer issues.
> >>
> >> $ is always faster than MMIO. This way you can give reg contents to users
> >> without waking up hw.
> >>
> >> Also we at Intel use regmap on ACPI systems without CLK API
> > 
> > I can try and see the performance impact is. What happens to registers that 
> > hw updates like status registers. Those will be most interesting during 
> > debug. How does remap get updated for those? Is there a way to tell it not 
> > to cache certain registers
> My evaluation turned out negative. The regmap code is nice for bus like 
> peripherals
> like I2C and SPI where everything is bitwise accessed. This is not the case
> in this code. 

I do not entirely agree with the statements here, it does give big benefit
on our systems with MMIO. I am going to ask Mark to comment on this, he
know better and understands ARM.

I am probably going to be okay with this not using regmap and it is debug
but you should give that a try in future for better performance and ofcourse
you can add to regmap to get a better model for your device

> Regmap is a nice tool if used properly but it doesn't mean that it will work
> in every single case. It doesn't match with the goal of this driver. 
> As soon as I abstract register accesses, the regmap code writes all MMIO 
> registers
> with the readl variant functions.
> Barriers are really expensive on ARM. I paid very special attention in the 
> code to decide when to use relaxed version vs. the readl version. I lose 
> all of this optimization. 
> Since the clocks are restored only during the debug case, I don't see any
> problems here. It is not worth the effort to do redo the whole thing and 
> introduce errors as I see a lot of tripping points like regmap_sync variants.


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