* Peter Zijlstra <pet...@infradead.org> wrote: > Here's a thread on syz-kaller: > > > lkml.kernel.org/r/CACT4Y+Ym0TZLkmRrM0ZGgLpu8kqS-YjoWTMrvaLz=tx2tny...@mail.gmail.com > > If things have shifted again I'm sure Dmitry is willing to help.
So I tried to install 'go' but it's a _really_ unintuitive tool I have to say. I installed golang-go on Ubuntu, which gave me a 'go' command: triton:~> go version go version go1.5.1 linux/amd64 that was the only step that worked. It's a dead end from that point on: triton:~> go get github.com/google/syzkaller package github.com/google/syzkaller: cannot download, $GOPATH not set. For more details see: go help gopath ok, so lets set GOPATH to the distro src directory: triton:~> export GOPATH=/usr/lib/go/src/ triton:~> go get github.com/google/syzkaller package github.com/google/syzkaller: mkdir /usr/lib/go/src/src: permission denied btw., this is what the directory contains: triton:~> ls /usr/lib/go/src/ all.bash bootstrap.bash bytes compress debug flag html io make.bat nacltest.bash race.bash run.bash strconv testing unsafe all.bat bufio clean.bash container encoding fmt image iostest.bash Make.dist net race.bat run.bat strings text androidtest.bash buildall.bash clean.bat crypto errors go index log math os reflect runtime sync time archive builtin cmd database expvar hash internal make.bash mime path regexp sort syscall unicode so, according to the error message it wants a writable directory. Lets try it that way: triton:~> mkdir go triton:~> triton:~> export GOPATH=/home/mingo/go/ triton:~> go get github.com/google/syzkaller can't load package: package github.com/google/syzkaller: no buildable Go source files in /home/mingo/go/src/github.com/google/syzkaller looks like someone wants 'Go' to be used as little as possible! ;-) Thanks, Ingo