On 11/20/15, Xose Vazquez Perez <xose.vazq...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> From https://lwn.net/Articles/662979/
> --cut--
> Christoph complained a bit about the staging tree. He said that it
> breaks allmodconfig builds, but that problem was evidently fixed a while
> ago. He also dislikes the Lustre filesystem, which has been in staging
> for some time now; Greg agreed and said that he would like to delete it.
> It was generally agreed that the work being done on Lustre is not
> substantial enough to justify its continued presence. Christoph also
> said that the use of the staging tree for code that is about to be
> deleted could be improved; there are, he said, people doing white-space
> fixes on doomed code.
> --end--
> Could anyone clarify it?

AFAIK, Intel is going to work more harder on Lustre code, so the best
option would be to wait a bit.
Agreed, checkpatch fixes are just a mess..

> -thanks-
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