I compared the network throughput performance on SLES12 bare metal servers, 
between SLES12 default kernel and latest linux-next (2015-11-05) kernel, based 
on the test results, I suspect there is a network regression exists on 
Linux-Next over the 40G Ethernet network:
a) iperf3 reports 50% performance drop with single TCP stream on latest 
b) iperf3 reports 10% ~ 30% performance drop with 2 to 128 TCP streams on 
latest linux-next;
Another throughput benchmarking tool (ntttcp-for-linux) test result is also 
listed at the end of the email for reference.

Server configuration:
Two servers (one client and one server, cross linked by 40G Ethernet), which 
a) CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2667 v3 @ 3.20GHz, 2 sockets, 16 CPUs, cache 
size : 20480 KB
b) Memory: 64 GB
c) Ethernet controller: Mellanox Technologies MT27520 Family [ConnectX-3 Pro], 
40G Ethernet, default driver

Test with iperf3:
iperf3: https://github.com/esnet/iperf

a) SLES12 default kernel, network throughput tested by iperf3:
Test Connections        1       2       4       8       16      32      64      
Throughput (G bps)      36.7    37.3    37.6    37.7    37.7    37.7    37.7    

b) SLES12 + Linux-Next 20151105, network throughput tested by iperf3:
Test Connections        1       2       4       8       16      32      64      
Throughput (G bps)      18.2    32.2    34.6    32.8    27.6    32.0    27.0    
Percentage dropped      -50%    -14%    -8%     -13%    -27%    -15%    -28%    

Test with ntttcp-for-linux:
ntttcp-for-linux: https://github.com/Microsoft/ntttcp-for-linux 

a) SLES12 default kernel, network throughput tested by ntttcp-for-linux:
Test Connections        1       2       4       8       16      32      64      
128     256     512
Throughput (Gbps)       36.19   37.29   37.67   37.68   37.7    37.72   37.74   
37.76   37.81   37.9    

b) SLES12 + Linux-Next 20151105, network throughput tested by ntttcp-for-linux:
Test Connections        1       2       4       8       16      32      64      
128     256     512     
Throughput (Gbps)       28.12   34.01   37.6    36.53   32.94   33.07   33.63   
33.44   33.83   34.42   
Percentage dropped      -22%    -9%     0%      -3%     -13%    -12%    -11%    
-11%    -11%    -9%
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