Date:        Wed, 13 Sep 2000 02:27:07 -0700
   From: "David S. Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   rsync [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/torvalds/src/linux \

   would be the real helper for people like me whose only real issue
   now is bothering Linus all the time to make pre-patches so I can send
   him known clean diffs.

This is orthogonal to the patch management system, but I agree this
would be highly useful.  Would Linus be willing to have an hourly cron
job that rsync'ed his live kernel sources to  (I suspect
a number of patch submitters would then have rsync jobs that would sync
from to their local directories.  I know I would.)

It would certainly make it easier to send clean patches to Linus.

                                                        - Ted

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