On Tue, Sep 19, 2000 at 08:56:57PM -0700, David S. Miller wrote:
>    Just use __cacheline_aligned instead, like I did with the
>    ip_local_data in the patch you just rejected. There is still the
>    problem that generic SMP x86 kernels use a 32byte cacheline. Not a
>    problem currently because the only x86 SMP is pII/pIII which has
>    32byte, but with Williamette/Athlon SMP it'll be a problem because
>    these have 64byte and 128byte cache lines. With __cacheline_aligned
>    it'll be easy though to pick up such changes.
> Ok, feel free to send me a patch which does only this.  I may doctor
> it up a bit, be warned :-)

Here is the complete patch I'm using, pick what you want from it.

This time I documented my intentions properly, see the source code
comments. I removed all power-of-two paddings because the shift/add
sequences seem to be always short enough.

I also documented a bigger potential win on machines with immediate 
memory access and sane interrupt model (and an even bigger -- 
Dimitris Michailidis's PDA patches) which both need more extensive 

>    On the other hand, the inetpeer code is only really exercised on
>    machines that talk to lots and lots of destinations (=real
>    servers), and 2.4 testing on such machines still has to begin.
>    Given that 2.4 testing has not really begun yet I would guess that
>    it is safer to remove it now @)
> True, but the following is what I'm really thinking about.  Suppose a
> few weeks from now Alexey greets both of our mailboxes with a fabulous
> solution to the tw recycle masqeurading problem, wouldn't it be quite
> a pain in the ass to put back in and retest all the inetpeer code?
> Let's sit on this until Alexey gives a forecast about the
> possibilities of a solution in the near future ok?

Ok. I just don't want the code uselessly wasting cycles and cache lines in 
2.4.0 if possible.


Index: include/net/snmp.h
RCS file: /cvs/linux/include/net/snmp.h,v
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -u -u -r1.16 snmp.h
--- include/net/snmp.h  2000/08/09 11:59:03     1.16
+++ include/net/snmp.h  2000/09/20 11:19:25
@@ -14,17 +14,34 @@
  *             as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
  *             2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *             $Id$
+ *
 #ifndef _SNMP_H
 #define _SNMP_H
+#include <linux/cache.h>
  *     We use all unsigned longs. Linux will soon be so reliable that even these
  *     will rapidly get too small 8-). Seriously consider the IpInReceives count
  *     on the 20Gb/s + networks people expect in a few years time!
+ * The rule for padding: 
+ * Best is power of two because then the right structure can be found by a simple
+ * shift. The structure should be always cache line aligned.
+ * gcc needs n=alignto(cachelinesize, popcnt(sizeof(bla_mib))) shift/add instructions
+ * to emulate multiply in case it is not power-of-two. Currently n is always <=3 for
+ * all sizes so simple cache line alignment is enough. 
+ * 
+ * The best solution would be a global CPU local area , especially on 64 and 128byte 
+ * cacheline machine it makes a *lot* of sense -AK
+ */ 
 struct ip_mib
        unsigned long   IpInReceives;
@@ -44,8 +61,8 @@
        unsigned long   IpFragOKs;
        unsigned long   IpFragFails;
        unsigned long   IpFragCreates;
-       unsigned long   __pad[32-19];
+       unsigned long   __pad[0]; 
+} ____cacheline_aligned;
 struct ipv6_mib
@@ -71,8 +88,8 @@
        unsigned long   Ip6FragCreates;
        unsigned long   Ip6InMcastPkts;
        unsigned long   Ip6OutMcastPkts;
-       unsigned long   __pad[32-22];
+       unsigned long   __pad[0]; 
+} ____cacheline_aligned;
 struct icmp_mib
@@ -102,8 +119,8 @@
        unsigned long   IcmpOutTimestampReps;
        unsigned long   IcmpOutAddrMasks;
        unsigned long   IcmpOutAddrMaskReps;
-       unsigned long   __pad[32-26];
+       unsigned long   __pad[0]; 
+} ____cacheline_aligned;
 struct icmpv6_mib
@@ -140,8 +157,8 @@
        unsigned long   Icmp6OutRedirects;
        unsigned long   Icmp6OutGroupMembResponses;
        unsigned long   Icmp6OutGroupMembReductions;
-       unsigned long   __pad[32-28];
+       unsigned long   __pad[0]; 
+} ____cacheline_aligned;
 struct tcp_mib
@@ -159,8 +176,8 @@
        unsigned long   TcpRetransSegs;
        unsigned long   TcpInErrs;
        unsigned long   TcpOutRsts;
-       unsigned long   __pad[16-14];
+       unsigned long   __pad[0]; 
+} ____cacheline_aligned;
 struct udp_mib
@@ -168,8 +185,8 @@
        unsigned long   UdpNoPorts;
        unsigned long   UdpInErrors;
        unsigned long   UdpOutDatagrams;
-       unsigned long   __pad[0];
+       unsigned long   __pad[0];
+} ____cacheline_aligned; 
 struct linux_mib 
@@ -237,9 +254,15 @@
        unsigned long   TCPAbortOnLinger;
        unsigned long   TCPAbortFailed;
        unsigned long   TCPMemoryPressures;
-       unsigned long   __pad[64-64];
+       unsigned long   __pad[0];
+} ____cacheline_aligned;
+ * FIXME: On x86 and some other CPUs the split into user and softirq parts is not 
+needed because 
+ * addl $1,memory is atomic against interrupts (but atomic_inc would be overkill 
+because of the lock 
+ * cycles). Wants new nonlocked_atomic_inc() primitives -AK
+ */ 
 #define SNMP_INC_STATS(mib, field) ((mib)[2*smp_processor_id()+!in_softirq()].field++)
 #define SNMP_INC_STATS_BH(mib, field) ((mib)[2*smp_processor_id()].field++)
 #define SNMP_INC_STATS_USER(mib, field) ((mib)[2*smp_processor_id()+1].field++)
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