I had the same problem on a RedHat 6.2 distro.
on 2.4 Ifup for dhcp card fails if done after ifup for static ip.
The problem comes from the pump package.
Using dhcpcd instead of pump fixed the problem completely.

kind regards,

>I got the same problem.
>The consequence was that if my eth0 card (static ip) was "ifupped"
before my
>eth1 card (dhcp), it became impossible to ifup my eth1 card (I could no
.obtain an ip from the dhcp server).

----- Message d'origine -----
De : James Lewis Nance <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Envoyé : mardi 5 septembre 2000 15:55
Objet : 2.2 / 2.4 ethernet detection order

> Hello All,
>     I have a box with 2 ethernet cards.  One is a ne2k-pci and one is
> tulip.  Under 2.2.X the ne card is eth0 and the tulip is eth1.
> if I boot a 2.4.X kernel, the tulip card is assigned eth0 and the ne
> eth1, which of course breaks all my networking setup scripts.  I can
> the 2.4.X kernels to assign 2.2.X identities by using command line
> like (from memory):
>     ethers=eth1
> but unfortunatly at least one of the cards does not work if I try
> I "solved" the problem by using kernel modules and an
> file that looks like this:
>     alias eth0 ne2k-pci
>     alias eth1 tulip
> but I would really rather not use a modular kernel.  I have no idea
what I
> would do if I had two identical network cards in the computer.  Is
> a better way to solve this problem?
> Thanks,
> Jim
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