On Tue, Sep 05, 2000 at 09:55:48AM -0400, James Lewis Nance wrote:
> I have a box with 2 ethernet cards. One is a ne2k-pci and one is a
> tulip. Under 2.2.X the ne card is eth0 and the tulip is eth1. Unfortunatly
> if I boot a 2.4.X kernel, the tulip card is assigned eth0 and the ne card
> eth1, which of course breaks all my networking setup scripts.
and Florent Cueto added:
: I got the same problem.
: The consequence was that if my eth0 card (static ip) was "ifupped" before my
: eth1 card (dhcp), it became impossible to ifup my eth1 card (I could no more
: obtain an ip from the dhcp server).
This is a well-known bug.
I described the cause on Mon, 14 Aug 2000, and soon afterwards
[EMAIL PROTECTED] sent a corrected (I hope - didnt check)
patch to l-k. (Look for: Pekka Riikonen, Re: devfs / eth micro-problems)
I see that this patch didnt make it into 2.4.0test7.
Perhaps it should be resubmitted.
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