When I boot up, I have a netfilter init script. It loads many netfilter
modules, among them, ipt_LOG, ipt_state, and ipt_limit. When they load,
whammo, instant OOPS.
ip_conntrack_irc is also among them.
want to lsmod? oops.
want to cat /proc/modules? oops.
want to rmmod? oops.
test7-pre4 also seemed to have this obscene breakage, and test8-pre[123456]
seems to have it as well. Although, seeing as no-one else has reported it,
it certainly seems to be me. I've attached OOPS reports from attempting to
load ip_conntrack_irc, lsmod'ing and cat'ing /proc/modules - in that order.
The ones for ipt_{LOG,state,limit} are a leeetle harder to get ... I'll post
them later, as I get them.

I'm running:
woody (Debian)
test8-pre6 (own)
modutils 2.3.15 (own)
ksymoops 2.3.4 (own)
gcc 2.95.2 (Debian)
binutils (Debian)

Only too happy to provide any other pertinent information, if it can make
this bloody stuff die quietly yet agonisingly painfully.

:) d

(yes, I did specify no ksyms as ksymoops oopsed, as did cat /proc/ksyms. go

Daniel Stone
Kernel Hacker (or at least has aspirations to be)

ksymoops 2.3.4 on i586 2.4.0-test8.  Options used
     -V (default)
     -K (specified)
     -l /proc/modules (default)
     -o /lib/modules/2.4.0-test8/ (default)
     -m /usr/src/linux/System.map (default)

No modules in ksyms, skipping objects
No ksyms, skipping lsmod
Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 00001b12
*pde = 00000000
Oops: 0000
CPU:    0
EIP:    0010:[<c0211bd5>]
Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf32-i386 -a i386
EFLAGS: 00010297
eax: 00001b12   ebx: c19ef009   ecx: 00001b12   edx: fffffffe
esi: ffffffff   edi: c1a1df30   ebp: ffffffff   esp: c1a1deec
ds: 0018   es: 0018   ss: 0018
Process modprobe (pid: 151, stackpage=c1a1d000)
Stack: c28cfc54 c28cf000 00000000 00000009 c1a1df84 00000000 0000000a c0211d8c 
       c19ef000 c021d379 c1a1df24 c0116f83 c19ef000 c021d372 00000008 00001b11 
       00001b12 c28cf6d0 00000c00 00000c00 c19ef000 00001000 00000000 c0141cce 
Call Trace: [<c28cfc54>] [<c28cf000>] [<c0211d8c>] [<c021d379>] [<c0116f83>] 
[<c021d372>] [<c28cf6d0>] 
       [<c0141cce>] [<c013ffb8>] [<c0128dd6>] [<c0108d83>] 
Code: 80 38 00 74 07 40 4a 83 fa ff 75 f4 29 c8 8b 54 24 14 89 c6 

>>EIP; c0211bd5 <vsprintf+1a9/34c>   <=====
Trace; c28cfc54 <END_OF_CODE+25f33a4/????>
Trace; c28cf000 <END_OF_CODE+25f2750/????>
Trace; c0211d8c <sprintf+14/1898>
Trace; c021d379 <call_spurious_interrupt+5b81/69c0>
Trace; c0116f83 <get_ksyms_list+5f/e4>
Trace; c021d372 <call_spurious_interrupt+5b7a/69c0>
Trace; c28cf6d0 <END_OF_CODE+25f2e20/????>
Trace; c0141cce <ksyms_read_proc+1a/34>
Trace; c013ffb8 <proc_file_read+cc/1a4>
Trace; c0128dd6 <sys_read+96/ac>
Trace; c0108d83 <system_call+33/40>
Code;  c0211bd5 <vsprintf+1a9/34c>
0000000000000000 <_EIP>:
Code;  c0211bd5 <vsprintf+1a9/34c>   <=====
   0:   80 38 00                  cmpb   $0x0,(%eax)   <=====
Code;  c0211bd8 <vsprintf+1ac/34c>
   3:   74 07                     je     c <_EIP+0xc> c0211be1 <vsprintf+1b5/34c>
Code;  c0211bda <vsprintf+1ae/34c>
   5:   40                        inc    %eax
Code;  c0211bdb <vsprintf+1af/34c>
   6:   4a                        dec    %edx
Code;  c0211bdc <vsprintf+1b0/34c>
   7:   83 fa ff                  cmp    $0xffffffff,%edx
Code;  c0211bdf <vsprintf+1b3/34c>
   a:   75 f4                     jne    0 <_EIP>
Code;  c0211be1 <vsprintf+1b5/34c>
   c:   29 c8                     sub    %ecx,%eax
Code;  c0211be3 <vsprintf+1b7/34c>
   e:   8b 54 24 14               mov    0x14(%esp,1),%edx
Code;  c0211be7 <vsprintf+1bb/34c>
  12:   89 c6                     mov    %eax,%esi


ksymoops 2.3.4 on i586 2.4.0-test8.  Options used
     -V (default)
     -K (specified)
     -l /proc/modules (default)
     -o /lib/modules/2.4.0-test8/ (default)
     -m /usr/src/linux/System.map (default)

No modules in ksyms, skipping objects
No ksyms, skipping lsmod
Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 00001b17
*pde = 00000000
Oops: 0000
CPU:    0
EIP:    0010:[<c0116e9b>]
Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf32-i386 -a i386
EFLAGS: 00010213
eax: 00001b0f   ebx: c0726076   ecx: ffffffff   edx: c28cfc48
esi: c28c6000   edi: c0726074   ebp: 00000f8a   esp: c0749ef0
ds: 0018   es: 0018   ss: 0018
Process cat (pid: 444, stackpage=c0749000)
Stack: 00000c00 00000000 c0726000 00001000 c0749f0c 0804c324 c28c6000 33322020 
       34303200 c0cc2800 0804c324 00000001 c0748000 0804b318 0804c000 bffffa3c 
       c0e4e83c 00000286 c026bce0 c026bf78 00000000 00000000 00000726 c0141c81 
Call Trace: [<c28c6000>] [<c0141c81>] [<c013ffb8>] [<c0128dd6>] [<c0108d83>] 
Code: 8b 70 08 89 f7 31 c0 f2 ae f7 d1 49 89 4c 24 14 39 cd 72 65 

>>EIP; c0116e9b <get_module_list+257/2e0>   <=====
Trace; c28c6000 <END_OF_CODE+25e9750/????>
Trace; c0141c81 <modules_read_proc+15/48>
Trace; c013ffb8 <proc_file_read+cc/1a4>
Trace; c0128dd6 <sys_read+96/ac>
Trace; c0108d83 <system_call+33/40>
Code;  c0116e9b <get_module_list+257/2e0>
0000000000000000 <_EIP>:
Code;  c0116e9b <get_module_list+257/2e0>   <=====
   0:   8b 70 08                  mov    0x8(%eax),%esi   <=====
Code;  c0116e9e <get_module_list+25a/2e0>
   3:   89 f7                     mov    %esi,%edi
Code;  c0116ea0 <get_module_list+25c/2e0>
   5:   31 c0                     xor    %eax,%eax
Code;  c0116ea2 <get_module_list+25e/2e0>
   7:   f2 ae                     repnz scas %es:(%edi),%al
Code;  c0116ea4 <get_module_list+260/2e0>
   9:   f7 d1                     not    %ecx
Code;  c0116ea6 <get_module_list+262/2e0>
   b:   49                        dec    %ecx
Code;  c0116ea7 <get_module_list+263/2e0>
   c:   89 4c 24 14               mov    %ecx,0x14(%esp,1)
Code;  c0116eab <get_module_list+267/2e0>
  10:   39 cd                     cmp    %ecx,%ebp
Code;  c0116ead <get_module_list+269/2e0>
  12:   72 65                     jb     79 <_EIP+0x79> c0116f14 


ksymoops 2.3.4 on i586 2.4.0-test8.  Options used
     -V (default)
     -K (specified)
     -l /proc/modules (default)
     -o /lib/modules/2.4.0-test8/ (default)
     -m /usr/src/linux/System.map (default)

No modules in ksyms, skipping objects
No ksyms, skipping lsmod
Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 00001b17
*pde = 00000000
Oops: 0000
CPU:    0
EIP:    0010:[<c0116492>]
Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf32-i386 -a i386
EFLAGS: 00010286
eax: 00001b0f   ebx: fffffffe   ecx: ffffffff   edx: ffffffff
esi: c28cfc48   edi: c071c000   ebp: 00000000   esp: c0749f84
ds: 0018   es: 0018   ss: 0018
Process lsmod (pid: 445, stackpage=c0749000)
Stack: fffffffe c28c6000 c071c000 bfffea18 c026bcfc 00000000 c0116964 c28c6000 
       0805a610 00000040 bfffea18 c0748000 00000040 bfffea18 bfffea2c c0108d83 
       0805a44a 00000003 0805a610 00000040 bfffea18 bfffea2c 000000a7 0000002b 
Call Trace: [<c28c6000>] [<c0116964>] [<c28c6000>] [<c0108d83>] 
Code: 8b 40 08 89 44 24 10 89 c7 31 c0 f2 ae f7 d1 49 8d 59 01 3b 

>>EIP; c0116492 <qm_refs+82/170>   <=====
Trace; c28c6000 <END_OF_CODE+25e9750/????>
Trace; c0116964 <sys_query_module+114/154>
Trace; c28c6000 <END_OF_CODE+25e9750/????>
Trace; c0108d83 <system_call+33/40>
Code;  c0116492 <qm_refs+82/170>
0000000000000000 <_EIP>:
Code;  c0116492 <qm_refs+82/170>   <=====
   0:   8b 40 08                  mov    0x8(%eax),%eax   <=====
Code;  c0116495 <qm_refs+85/170>
   3:   89 44 24 10               mov    %eax,0x10(%esp,1)
Code;  c0116499 <qm_refs+89/170>
   7:   89 c7                     mov    %eax,%edi
Code;  c011649b <qm_refs+8b/170>
   9:   31 c0                     xor    %eax,%eax
Code;  c011649d <qm_refs+8d/170>
   b:   f2 ae                     repnz scas %es:(%edi),%al
Code;  c011649f <qm_refs+8f/170>
   d:   f7 d1                     not    %ecx
Code;  c01164a1 <qm_refs+91/170>
   f:   49                        dec    %ecx
Code;  c01164a2 <qm_refs+92/170>
  10:   8d 59 01                  lea    0x1(%ecx),%ebx
Code;  c01164a5 <qm_refs+95/170>
  13:   3b 00                     cmp    (%eax),%eax

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