> contributing member of Linux for quite some time, however, the
> architecture of Linux is unnatural to Novell's and Microsoft's
> technologies and Linux is at present incapable of providing the same
> level of Networking capability available with Windows 2000 or NetWare to
> enterprise customers.  NetWare routinely supports upwards of 2000 users

This again confirms that any mention of the word "enterprise" in press
releases and the like really means just "we're only accustomed to the
Windows programming model, so from _our_ perspective everything else
looks inferior".

> per server for file and print.  Linux with it's current level of
> development has trouble with configurations of more than 100 users via
> MARS-NWE or SAMBA in our tests.  TRG's MANOS source code and components

In part because a sizable portion of development resources in those
projects was spent deciphering the undocumented protocols rather than
implementing/optimizing them?

Try any NT-based SMTP/IMAP mail server, for a large enterprise, in
contrast. Compare it with any Un*x solution. The specs have been
public down to the last bit for 20 years (and we should assume that M$
engineers are at least capable of reading).


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