On Sun, Nov 19, 2017 at 10:33 AM, Shay Gover <govers...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Mint has dropped the KDE version.
> What about arch?
Regarding Arch Linux, see
https://www.mail-archive.com/linux-il@cs.huji.ac.il/msg65850.html .

> On Nov 19, 2017 10:22, "Rabin Yasharzadehe" <ra...@rabin.io> wrote:
>> I like to go with Fedora MATE spin as I find it resource friendly.
>> and I use compiz as my window manager to have a very robust features and
>> some eye candy features as well.
>> Fedora move fast and have a short release cycle (6 month),
>> so having to deal with new stuff each 6 month can be a burden for someone
>> how just want his computer to work.
>> in that case I'll recommend a distro which is based on Ubuntu LTS e,g
>> Ubuntu MATE.
>> MATE desktop dose not support HiDPI display yet, unlike KDE and Gnome3
>> but if you prefer to use KDE, both Fedoa and Ubuntu have a spin of it.
>> there is also KDE neon which uses a stable base of the OS (Ubuntu LTS
>> IIRC),
>> and all the KDE stuff are coming directly from upstream (rolling)
>> --
>> Rabin
>> On 19 November 2017 at 09:54, Shlomo Solomon <shlomo.solo...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I don't want to start a Distro war, but ...
>>> I've been on Mandrake/Mandriva/Mageia for over 17!!!! years, but from
>>> what I've read, there are quite a few problems with Mageia 6 (I'm
>>> still on 5), and it's really strange that it's been 2 years in the
>>> making.
>>> So I'm thinking about abandoning ship.
>>> I definitely want to stay with KDE (never liked Gnome) and I really
>>> like how configurable Mageia is.
>>> I don't think this should be an issue, but my computer is fairly old (a
>>> 4 year old i5 Haswell CPU with 8 Gb).
>>> I've been thinking about Mint, Kubuntu or Fedora - any thoughts (or
>>> additional options)?
>>> --
>>> Shlomo Solomon
>>> http://the-solomons.net
>>> Claws Mail 3.11.1 - KDE 4.14.30 - Dolphin 4.14.3 - LINUX Mageia 5
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