Hi Shlomo!

On Sun, Nov 19, 2017 at 9:54 AM, Shlomo Solomon <shlomo.solo...@gmail.com>

> I don't want to start a Distro war, but ...
> I've been on Mandrake/Mandriva/Mageia for over 17!!!! years, but from
> what I've read, there are quite a few problems with Mageia 6 (I'm
> still on 5), and it's really strange that it's been 2 years in the
> making.
> So I'm thinking about abandoning ship.
Mageia 6 works well for many people. Its release was delayed due to some
grave problems which we wanted to fix, and we did. What I suggest is that
you try upgrading to mageia 6 (after doing a backup) and see if it is
working well enough for you, and if not - possibly try a fresh install and
only then make a switch.

> I definitely want to stay with KDE (never liked Gnome) and I really
> like how configurable Mageia is.
> I don't think this should be an issue, but my computer is fairly old (a
> 4 year old i5 Haswell CPU with 8 Gb).
> I've been thinking about Mint, Kubuntu or Fedora - any thoughts (or
> additional options)?

I use fedora 27 on my laptop and it is nice (but not perfect). One thing I
dislike about ubuntu is the weird politically correctness they have on
their IRC channels. Regarding mint there is
. Debian is another option to consider, and it has many derivatives. There
is also openSUSE.

> --
> Shlomo Solomon
> http://the-solomons.net
> Claws Mail 3.11.1 - KDE 4.14.30 - Dolphin 4.14.3 - LINUX Mageia 5
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