On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 11:07:59AM -0600, Steve G. wrote:
> Hi everyone.
> I have two questions for members of the group.
> 1. Is there any coordinated development of statistical analysis tools that
> are OSS and run on Linux? For example, the R programming language and its
> application to applied fields such as social statistics or epidemiology? I
> am looking for an OSS solution similar to SPSS (user friendly), Stata or
> SAS (powerful), or Design Expert (specific to experimental design).
> 2. Are there any Masters Programs in Israel in the fields of applied
> statistics (biostatistics, epidemiology, medical statistics, social
> statistics, actuarial sciences or demographics)? I am more interested in
> the sciences (that is the first 3 on the list), and if I can find a good
> program that would take a scientist (that is, not a mathematician of CS
> major) and train him at a reasonable cost, I will be the happiest man alive
> for about 5 minutes.
> If you know where, how, when, how much, etc., let me know, via my email or
> the group.



See http://www.numberjacks.org/israel

Tzafrir Cohen         | tzaf...@jabber.org | VIM is
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