On 01/14/2012 01:08 PM, Nadav Har'El wrote:
On Sat, Jan 14, 2012, Amichai Rotman wrote about "Re: [OUT?] Help with 
Can we host it on HUJI servers?
(or is someone else running the list now?)
That would be me.

If for some reason that doesn't work, there are also Hamakor's servers
which I assume could be used for this purpose. Is the person running Hamakor
mailing lists reading this and can confirm? (as you can see below, I
hope this mailing list *will* be relevant to Hamakor's charter).

I am reluctant of using those public list servers (like Yahoo! Groups) - is
there a way to start an Israeli specific list on Google Groups?
Of course Google Groups is also possible, but I do think a non-commercial
host is better.
Wait, Google Groups are not Usenet in disguise? :)

I propose the following focus for the mailing list. Do people agree, or
do other people prefer a different focus?

        * The mailing list's official language will be English (like in
          Linux-il). I don't know how popular this suggestion will be...

        * The intended audience are (would be) advanced users and (aspiring)
          developers, i.e., Android users who are interested in understanding
          better how their device works, and even improving it - not users
          who never plan to do more than installing games. The subscribers
          *can* be newbies, but newbies of the type that aspire to learn,
          not newbies who plan to remain newbies forever.

        * The list should focus on free software and open-source. While
          specific hardware devices and some non-free software can be
          mentioned, compared, etc., they should not become the focus of this
          list, just like the focus of linux-il isn't to compare PC
          manufacturers and non-free Linux software (although the
          occasional thread on these topics are acceptable).

        * The list is for high-level discussions - it won't be a mailing
          list for cooperating closely on the development of a particular
          piece of software.
        * The intended audience is Israeli, in case we ever want to meet in
          person or discuss Israel-specific questions (hadware sold in
          Israel, Hebrew-related questions, etc.). But for all other intents
          and purposes, non-Israelis are just as welcome. In fact I hesitate
          if/how we should even mention that this is an "Israeli" list.

Any other thoughts?

I think you're describing Linux-IL here, so why not post it there anyway?
I for one do not have a problem with Android questions appearing here. And I since I sense that Android's ubiquity is yet to be seen, I don't feel that I waste time reading these discussions. We could have a poll, of course.


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