2012/1/13 Amichai Rotman <amic...@iglu.org.il>

> Well, why don't we start one of our own. I bet most of you developers on
> this list are also Android users / developers....
I bet most of the people on this list have a fridge. I have a fridge
question .... (just kidding, couldn't help it).

I am an android user/developer as part of my job. however, android is not
linux. at least not gnu/linux, and should have it's own list.
btw, if one is an app programmer, one does usually not touch anything
related to linux, it's just java and special android api. (rarely use NDK).

anyway, i would be happy to join an android related israeli mailing list.

i guess there should be more than one. IAAD - israeli android app devel,
and IAD - israeli android devel (create your own android distro).


> I am no developer, but I am tinker and I like to help, so I can try to
> help as I can.
> In the mean time,  can I ask. Android related questions here?
> Amichai.
>  On Jan 10, 2012 5:02 PM, "Omer Zak" <w...@zak.co.il> wrote:
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