On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 08:39:10AM +0200, Diego Iastrubni wrote:
> On יום רביעי 23 פברואר 2011 13:51:30 Ori Idan wrote:
> > Headache during conversation is a known problem with cellular phones, the
> > question is does it means that you will suffer long term effects
> > like continuous headache or even worth, some kind of cancer.
> This might be related to the low quality of the call. The cellular networks 
> use these days a heavly compressed GSM codec to save bandwith. If you are on 
> an area that has low cellular coverage the codec gets more aggressive.

Nowadays it's mostly AMR, IIRC. Still compressed.

OTOH, is there any usage of a higher sample rate than

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