On 23/02/11 19:29, Tomer Cohen wrote:
On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 17:25, Alon Barzilai <a...@skylinesoft.com
<mailto:a...@skylinesoft.com>> wrote:
I found in forums a way to replace half (or all) OS files and fix
the problem in gmail and some other apps, but this does not fix
all the apps.
Someone in these forums is responsible enough to report these issues
to the upstream?
I'm not sure what you mean by "upstream". Most of the limitations of the
forum solutions stem from the fact that no sources are available for the
phones, so you are, essentially, hacking in BiDi support by modifying
the binaries. Which upstream would you say is responsible, in such a case?
Also, bear in mind that while I think a better job can be done, not
everything is fixable when you are doing binary only hacking.
Shachar Shemesh
Lingnu Open Source Consulting Ltd.
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