On Saturday, 10 בJuly 2010 22:13:55 Etzion Bar-Noy wrote:
> Hi.
> I love those with the flare in their eyes, and their self-righteousness. The
> majority of the crowd, in Israel especially, will not be able to read ODT.

I heard the same arguments 10 years ago, regarding Mozilla and IE-only

We are all thankfull to the people with the flare in their eyes that
brought us back "our web".

Instead of Linux people trying to "adapt" to every possible IE quirk/bug,
now MS needs to chase the tail-lights of modern standards compliant
browsers on the market.

> Since PDF is good enough format, those who did not "bother" to read your
> document were, well, so filled with their hatred that they forgot the goal -
> reach maximum newbies, both on Linux and on Windows.

Yes. PDF is very good format as a final output that would reach the
people you talk about.

ODF was suggested as an *input* format.

> Since probably all of this mailing list members use OpenOffice,

That's why most of them voiced their opinion about what is the preferable
input *for them* -- end users should consume HTML/PDF, etc.

Going back to my first point -- trying to adopt MS-Office awfull formats
(which even MS fail to be compatible to) is a *losing game*.

Thanks, but no thanks,

Oron Peled                                 Voice: +972-4-8228492
o...@actcom.co.il                  http://users.actcom.co.il/~oron
"It's almost like we're doing Windows users a favor by charging them money
for something they could get for free, because they get confused otherwise."
 - Larry Wall.

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