On 05/07/2010 15:52, Amos Shapira wrote:
On 5 July 2010 22:34, Micha<mi...@post.tau.ac.il> wrote:
Word format for a linux group? A somewhat unfortunate choice considering group
members will have access to word only if dual booting into windows ...
I beg to differ on this tiny point - installing Office (2007?) on
Ubuntu 64 bit made it now become the default application for .docx
How did you do that?
Last time I checked wine didn't like it very much, not to mention the problems
with using both Hebrew and English in the same document.
Open office would have been a much better choice (or lyx, or latex or a few
OOffice, AbiWord, Google Docs, anything but M$ Office is much more appropriate.
I haven't used LyX but heard many times that it's great interface and
since the format is LaTeX what could be better?
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