I live and work in the Jerusalem area.  Generally, when I want Linux and/or
other types of computer books (right now I'm learning Perl), I wait till we
have family coming from the US and force them to bring the books to me here.

I keep saying there must be a better way to get good books here in Israel.
Is there a bookstore somewhere that already imports these kinds of books, or
that can order them for me and deliver them to me via IL Post or where I can
pick them up somewhere local in this part of the country?

I have ordered books through a previous employer from Amazon.co.uk, but I
remember it being much more expensive than getting them in the US.  What are
your experiences.  Thank you.


Shlomo Dubrowin

The Solution to the water crisis in Israel:

# According to WikiPedia, the Kinneret can hold
# 4 km^3, so FULL here is in cubit meters
while [ "$LEVEL" -lt "$FULL" ]; do
 cat /sea/med /sea/red |\
 grep -vi "salt" |\
 tee /sea/dead /lake/kinneret
 LEVEL=`du -c /sea/dead /lake/kinneret | grep total | awk '{print $1}'`
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