On Wednesday 15 July 2009 03:00:09 pm Shlomo Dubrowin wrote:
> I live and work in the Jerusalem area.  Generally, when I want Linux and/or
> other types of computer books (right now I'm learning Perl), I wait till we
> have family coming from the US and force them to bring the books to me
> here.
> I keep saying there must be a better way to get good books here in Israel.
> Is there a bookstore somewhere that already imports these kinds of books,
> or that can order them for me and deliver them to me via IL Post or where I
> can pick them up somewhere local in this part of the country?

Hi Shlomo,

If you order your books as eBooks, they'll probably be the same price as in 
the US because there's no shipping. I sell Troubleshooting books rather than 
Linux books, but when someone orders an eBook from me, they get it just as 
fast as a US person and there's obviously no shipping charge -- I email it to 
them. Personally, I don't sell within countries that don't respect copyright 
laws (China et al) so all non US orders are accomplished by my sending the 
customer a Paypal request for payment, but I'd imagine most booksellers just 
treat everyone the same.

I've ordered technical eBooks from these guys and was quite pleased:




Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/stevelitt

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