Nice to hear that there is another source for these.

Ivory sells a few of their machines without windows (at least msi I think also
dells, maybe more), but although buying a simple desktop from them is ok,
laptops other than msi can be a hustle.

At the time I found quite a few dell distributors that sell dells windows free.

Thinkpads this is the first time I hear about.

On Mon, 02 Mar 2009 13:24:25 +0200
Oleg Goldshmidt <> wrote:

> Hi everybody,
> I decided that some of you might be interested to know that I got
> myself a new laptop a few days ago. The reason for your possible
> interest will be not just being good friends of mine (though some of
> you undoubtedly are), but the fact that the laptop came without
> Windows Vista Ultimate Housewife Professional Edition or
> whatchamacallit, and without court procedures, communications,
> negotiations, out-of-court settlements, or any other hassle required
> to get an unused-EULA refund from the manufacturer.
> I had thought it was highly unlikely to impossible in Israel, so it
> was quite a pleasant surprise. Surprised, too? Read on.
> To start with, some manufacturers do offer computers without Windows
> or the associated "Microsoft tax". One example is Lenovo, who offer
> certain ThinkPad models preloaded with FreeDOS. From what I
> heard/read, Dell and HP do it on occasion as well. Obviously, unless
> you buy abroad or over the Internet (which may result, e.g., in
> incomplete warranty, expensive shipping, etc.) this is not enough -
> there must be an Israeli importer/distributor who will actually bring
> such products to Israel and sell them to you. I think it is fair to
> say that most Israeli distributors will not stock or order anything
> without Windows because "what are you going to do with the computer
> without software, anyway?" I talked to quite a few, and this was the
> uniform answer in every case.
> Well, it turns out that there is at least one importer who does
> that. They are, they live not far from
> Tel Aviv's Central Bus Station (address and phone number are on the
> website), and they sell equipment to both organizations and private
> individuals. I visited them in person (to have a look at the chosen
> computer), asked a number of questions (got answers from both
> salespeople and a technician, and in general got a reasonable level of
> service), and left with a nice Lenovo ThinkPad X200 with FreeDOS for
> my trouble.
> I had browsed for a laptop satisfying a number of
> requirements, and it had never occurred to me to include
> "Windows-free" or "FreeDOS" or anything related into my queries. I was
> quite resigned to paying the M$ tax. I just clicked through to a make
> and a model that interested me, got a list of vendors, and sorted them
> by price. Memory4Less's offer was the best by price, and after
> checking the customer reviews (quite good) I clicked on the link, and
> that was when "FreeDOS" leapt into my face. So, it was a fluke.
> While talking to them as they were preparing the simple paperwork, I
> learned that while they were aware that some people preferred to
> install SW themselves they were not aware at all of a category of
> customers that would be interested in getting Windows-free computers
> and might appreciate a vendor providing such an option. They would not
> remove preinstalled Windows from a computer (moving it to a diffeerent
> computer, moving the associated stickers around, etc., is a
> hassle). What they said they would do, however, is provide a quote for
> a computer that a manufacturer offers without Windows, and then order
> it and deliver it to the customer. I presume they will only do it if
> they work with the manufacturer regularly (I did not ask). I would
> guess that, if asked, they will also say which models come (from
> manufacturers they work with) without Windows.
> My chosen model was in stock, so I got it with zero lead time.  It
> came with full international (including Israel) warranty from
> IBM. Memory4Less will extend the warranty (in Israel) past expiration
> for a fee, with service in their lab, if the customer so desires.
> Now, I have no connection to them, I do not represent them or vouch
> for them, I am not endorsing them or advertising them, and in general
> Your Mileage May Vary and Standard Disclaimers Apply. I am only
> reporting my own experience that resulted in a new laptop satisfying
> all my requirements, with good shopping experience, the best price for
> the chosen make/model I could find, and with no Windows or any
> refund-related hassle whatsoever. I figure it is a Good Thing(TM), and
> as such it should be noted and, where practical, encouraged.

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