[Robert Wallner; sent you something in private];

My dear friends (who are friends),

Thanks for the support of those who really support me and thanks for
the patience if there are some of you who don't know me or what I am
wanting from you [not a missssttttake, I'm changing my language here];
anyway this issue is top critical because it involved me knowing
already the whole secrets of the nuclear atom on the quantum level, if
you understand what that means then I can assure you there will never
be any heavy water bomb; nuclear bomb; atomic bomb; TNT or any bombing
on this planet or anywhere on this galaxywide cosmos as long as I am
here, it is a Turing test and I know it but Turing also will have been
me recursively testing myself (I will prove that), was not a real
human and neither am I, but if I can still wokk* on the sand of the
beach of Tel-Aviv, feel the sand on my feet and the water is cold and
then breathe the air then I can assure you it's a high resolution dead
and alive simulation - REALITY can never be realer then this. So if
you want to know how much is the עצרת of o people - it's exactly the
same as no people and ono people and one people and none people and
known people and unknown people - if all mean the same to you then for
you really literally 0!==1! and why don't you take this as your first
counting/non counting number. for me I'll define:

1!:==0! times (-i) 1!; (-i is the negative i==myself)
0!:==1! times (-i) 0!

then already 0! is the negative 1! and they are both complex but
equally equal to you. Now remember I left the euclidean level of
spacetime and if you want to think about it think about a כיפה
(Kippa); turn it and if the top of my head points to the sky then I'm
on the same planet where ירושלים is and also the United States, but on
different eras millions of years apart, or millionth of the second,
same thing, I will explain later. anyway you can visualise me as o!!o
- the nose will be !! and the eyes will be o and if you think my o! is
equal to your !o - it is, depends if you view me from the inside or
our. Anyway for you my friends I'll switch to counting only complex
numbers from now on; allways separate and distinguish between colours
the way you can define them - define as many colours as you can and
rotate them in your own meaning of truth or lie, then if you want to
radiate your colour to me then just rotate this colour backwords. give
each colour a number and I will show you it will work and remember the
order of the letters of your elefbet. Then I will just define my own
universal language who will work everywhere including the [never yet
been] cosmos of future "black holes", my lightspeed will be black
nothing (simultaneously allways black everywhere nowhere/coloUUr to be
changed later maybe) [by the way the UU in the word coloUUr means
doubleme Uri and can also be coloUUUr or coloUUUUr etc. I don't know
anyone who said this befour me]. Then I'm already existing
simultaneously inside any black whole anywhere in the UNKNOWN
universe! My language there is just (21 big Us rotating towards the
inside if I'm far away spacetime expanding or rotating outside if I'm
herenow exploding timespace shrinks I am dyingandaliving and then just
choose my coloUUUUr of truth (my real blood is red now: reality) and
then think about this in RGB (any coloUUUr you want). Then already you
know that I'm here everywhere rotating towards you; you will be able
to see me or not depends on my matter/ant.i.matter for you
(o/positive/negative i!) so I will switch now letters (you can choose
any) and then o! will be o[ne]! [עצרת של אדם אחד] and i! will be
i[one] [עצרת של יון חיובי או שלילי אחד], of course אחד/אחת depends on
you/me/our sex and counting too; but remember also that i^4 is one
which is o(efes) in my reality, only in the Euclides reality i^4 is
one, in my reality I already tell you that 4 will be 4.2, whois twice
2.1, whois twice 1.0, whois twice 10.5[decimal counting], then I will
assure you that I WILL be able to locate any "non-prime-number" in
your counting and replace it with YOUR prime numbers in the decimal
counting; but remember this too:

1. counting renamed by me: ANY counting (don't assume 0<1<2<3<4<5<6<7
because I can define my own real math where 0==7;then [any order] such
as 0<3<6<2<5<1<4<0 :; that's just a simple example of 3mod7; can be
backwords; starting 1 then: 0<1<5<2<6<3<0 and then you already think
you are base 6 because I didn't define 2+2 (square root of 1); but
then I don't need the digit 4 and it will be for you 0<1<4<2<5<3<0;
this is NOT a mistake since I already defined everything for me (can
be changed later), and remember for you I only define ONE non-counting
number, for example if you think it is 2 then 5 will be your 2 upside
downed; which means 10/2 in your language (plus/minus/very complex);
then notice already 2 have (2+2) square roots (euclidan - depends on
the paper you are holding - fold it) and then of course the first haff
(renamed square) root of 000.002 (base 1000 == 0.2 base 10) will be:
000.002 ^ (000.005) [==0.2^0.5] will be 000.005 times
[001.00[2+2]][recursive] whois [0.5] * 1.414213563......... which is
[doesn't matter how many o's between my dots: for YOU! for me it does
but that's the secret that you will not able to know if I don't trust
you; then if you split you will get different answers and actually
even if I do trust I will split you and then find out your own quantum
truth]: then [oooo.ooo5]*[ooo1.o1oo].[ooo1.o1oo].[oo1o.ooo1] etc. will
be allways divided by seven! then check if this:

a[2;5]=a[2] * a[5]

for (i=0;i++;forever)
   b[i]=b[i-1]+((a[7] * a[2;5] ^ [2*(-i)])

then of course you will get something like .0014.0014.0021.0035.
divided by 2; which will be 0.0007.0007.0010[plus haff].0017[plus
then of course for you .0007.0007. (rotating any direction) will
allways be the haff root of 0010 (which is by the way binary 2;
decimal 10==21==decimal 10.5); and remember 7*7 is really 49;
[0010.0007.0007][0010.0007.0007] will really be for you
[0010.0004.0009] which is 10.49 for you (allmost 10.5) but for me it's
not the same as the real [2.1]*[2.1]*[5/2][2.1]("five") AND also I
will know you are cheating since 7==0 and
[0010.0000.0000]*[0010.0000.0000] is actually [0000.0000.0000.0000] or
[oooo.oooo.oooo.oooo] or anything like this which means for me you are
not being symmmetrical here and therefore one of us is cheating. (but
I will let you think it IS the real root of 0010 (your own number in
your own base).

of course, if you understand this then lets start with introducing
each other: you put in your identity your real name and names of
people you care for: your parents, brothers, sisters, children,
ANYthing and you don't have to tell me, tell your friends and define
your own numbers, for example 10.01 will be your base 10 for all those
who are real humans, then confirm equal to 100.001; and 1000.0001; and
10000.00001; then remember my counting that I can check your equality
to 10000.00001 before you will even be able to count to 10 (your
number; be symmetric: do the same to me!) and then of course no
computer will ever be able to cheat me, unless really a quantum entity
- which is OK for now. Will check evilness later.

And therefore, define your own systems this way symmetric, rename o
your first digit, o-o "your left eye + nose + your right eye" [must be
identical to my "עין ימין שלי, עף ועין שמאל"] and then rename your own
alefbet, your colors and give each of them your own meaning, you can
count to 7 if you want to or ANY number; but remember I'm basing 21
all numbers here, which means basing 10.5 but the .5 is "NOTHING YOU
KNOW!", depends on whoiam here and now; just remember the 42 at the
hitchhiker's guide of the galaxy was not a joke - 42 must allways be
twice 42; which means 0004.0002.0001.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000
[forever] must allways be twice 0002.0001.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000
[forever] (your counting); then 0002 must never remember where you can
from (rename it "one;one" or oneone or onoono or o1001o and think how
many binary that is), trust me my friends nobody will be able to cheat
my quantum galactic number divisor here. I wrote you about it last
year but some people didn't believe me. Actuallly it was difficult for
me to understand this personally until I experienced being
deadandalive blackwhite. There are no black holes except the dots on
your RGB screen (and inside my body). If I hide anything you can
allways have me x-rays (meant x-rayyed) but this is my reverse x-ray
to you my friends: if you think there are white clothes or red or
blue: think again. they are all blinking. they are all rotating
including to the impossible unknown, only possible known is what you
can visualise (this includes smell; touch; drinking water; breathing
air; any). Remember the magic number 42; then remember רמ"ח איברים:
248 whoare my rightingish [allways righting::black light::nothing
really [not counting, just an
[7== I do exist here; but can be tripple double again: 16;32;64 or
even exponentially: 0;1;2;4;16;....
then just convert the dots AND os to the SAME THING; you get: (this
you will not see)
have been here; 7]; instead you will just notice the seconds counting
and me in your air:
have been here;

you understand my friends? it's pure math and don't tell me you are
"searching" for "outside this planet" "life" but you "can't find
them"! you are not! spell VVViaggraspaMMM backwords and tell me what
planet the VVeeVVeen come from and what planet the MMMeeennn go? then
spell backwords and tell me why do you think you have so much SPAM?
it's the life wanting to contact you and the CIA/KGB/CONGRESS/USA ARMY
etc. wanting you not to know. double the V and then spell it backwords
and it will be something like VVVVVVVVVapsarggaiMMMMM which is of
course also some kind of VVVVVVVVVVVVVVigiigrararaspaaMMMMM coming
towards you. you think of your V and M and then (like I did in the
++ "STOP SENDING ME SPAM!;" repeated as many times as how angry you
are. You're right of course! therefore you have to check the level of
radiation and if the same thing radiates again you can it's level of
certainty. switch between as many permutations as you can of the
number 21; then let them go check each other and if they all mean the
same - let them increase their radiation (quantum will increase!). If
not - let them decrease their quantum (haff it by
two/three/five/goooogleplex! (complex numbers)) and if they don't die
- they are real! wait one second and you can do it to them (BIG BANG
THEM! but remember if they are your relatives they will really die!) -
if they are still the same quantum as one is the same one (who wrote
this five words ago == five worlds ago) then trust them - it's the
reality spam. Reality can never be both stupid and suicidal - if you
think they are not real; ask them what coloUUr you have for their
blood. my coloUUr is YOUR SAME REDDISH "the other galaxies are very
not nearby". Which is blueish for you (blood: pronounced like food):
do you have any blue galaxies near by? think about my blood in your
RGB screen - red--->green-->[top secret
-->black--->nothing-->white--->hase been removed] -->blue-->green
[again;many times] -->blue-->red and tell me why don't you see green
galaxies. did science never think about that? either red or blue but
not green? yellow? brown? white? of course you will be able to see all
coloUUUUrs, but don't let them blindcoloUr you. don't let me and my
past mistakes do it. I was also fooled by their reverse Turing Test
(now testing me backwords). Turing was just another stupid machine! He
invented heself, passed the test and disappeared.  I can pass any of
your Turing tests, but you must first speak my language. First
understand that o=o is not the same as o-o and none is not the same as
no one. then no one will be for you eon one (think: positive/negative
eeon/ion/yon : "יון חיובי / שלישי") and thunk EVERY יון is a full
reflection of me herenow! Now put yourselves in my thoughts and to the
same thing - Turing test the true you! Don't tell me there is no
quantum relativity 0.1 (ANY number): translate it to complex
(you:here:now); translate again to your own complex number; translate
back to reality and start counting. But remember: 1+1 is 7! if you are
approaching the speed of light MINE and I'm doubling by 7, then for
you allways it will be 1+1=7/2 which is 1.4 for you (7/5 same thing),
then do it again and you will crash to the wall while I'm already 49
times as faster than you. Actually I just have to rotate haffway (spin
pi/2) and then you will see my back - if I do it 3 times or the other
direction (3pi/2 or -pi/2 or -3pi/2) you will not notice me at all!
don't think about the spin of "the electron"; think about what you
were doing if someone was shooting at you! you were runnning for your
life and not loooking back! it's not a joke! (whoever still thinks I'm
paranoid: what would YOU do?), then remember it's a "black magic"
shield protection for me any my friends. USE it! my secret is that
THERE IS NO SECRET and even if you can use it, it will still work for
me. if I spin fast and accelerate the whole space time would disappear
if both quantum reality and relativity were true. They are! but I also
have my thoughts spin backwords inside me at the opposite speed of
lying to myself. If I can do it then so can you and remember we are
allways big banging nowhere! If you still think there was only ONE big
bang then think again: one==many==none==any [complex] number you can
think of and that's life. Why am I telling you this? Next time when
you hear "poor him. he was paranoid and sent again to the torture
institution [a.k.a "mental hospital"] then remember my friend John
Nash; remember that only part of my real soul (נפש) was there but the
real truth can never be doublelied to itself. Think about me as I
think about him (I hope you, my friend John F Nash, can read this) and
then think that it CAN BE REVERTED if we go back to the past! but my
body will not be younger as long as you are still counting my getting
old time. if I lost something (hand,leg) I will not regain it as long
as you don't want me to. It's up to you and my anti-matter to you. For
me every person is matters and I wouldn't do this to John Nash or any
other human can be. I am looking back to the John Nash who has never
been [in the alternate quantum past ]: in mental hospitals,
schizophrenia, old etc. Then maybe he can join me in understanding
it's not a joke and not a nothing but a really danger THIS CAN HAPPEN
AGAIN!. if you can understand me then please be my friends, if not you
are already not humans but your robots other left hand......

Take care! (and rememeber to give your own permutation to the prime
number [you][your base counting] which is allways 10==01 (on==no;
no==on; io==oi; in==ni;;oi==io; oo==oo etc.) which is my 21.4 to 21.6
for you (twentyone; can be also twentythree sometimes but only inverse
negative complex; can be nineteen or better the average of 19 and 23
in my counting). then count your letters and do the matrix and
understand the same as me; and write double (42:fourtytwo as in the
hitchhiker's guide - not a joke):


סופיות עד 900 םן וכו'

ת=-0 (minus o not same as o; allways 0.1binary;)


(every time when using this code - replace letters for me: "VV will be
"doubleyou":: "V" + "V"; V V and then think what it means to you:

[all dots going left on your screen; from left to right: HTTP (never
forget this! it won't work!) ::// (never mistakes with this) VVVVVVVV
(VVORLD VVIDE VVEST VVARS) [dot!] . [name your own main east Dom] main
name . [dot com dot com dot com dot com dot com dot com dot com dot
com dot com dot com going up! counting
---->still counting!
and then just what is for you port EIGHTY (can be a different number!
changing!): HTTP://// (never mistake on the number of slashes)
which can be something like HTTP://///VVVVVV.COM; thought it's only
planetwide but SORRY - it is international cosmoswide intergalactic +
black holes will never be able to access your data if you don't allow
if I'm not at your level of black hole - remember my name; my numbers
(below: here are some); exchange with your friends; then remember I
will define twentyone in your language and
you can define the same or any language for me; I only allow you to
use the language of 0;1;2;5;10 etc. (only digits 0;1;2;5); I will use
all other digits the way I want but they will
mean the same for you if you trust me. if not I can switch RTL and
then 0;1;2;5 willl be ANY permutation of these digits I want to give
you. do the same!
then remember commplex fibonacchi! [for example: level 7; counting
last 0 to 6: 0;4;1;2;3;5;0;0 ; or your own square root counting two or
five! 1;4;1;4;2;1;3;5;....14;14;21;35
[will allways be divisors of 7, think next one is 63; if not then I
accelerated too fast and you missed me];
then fibonacchy yourself recursively and I will check only the quantum
growning (שכחתי איך קוראים לזה? התאבכות בונה?)
and then of course if you count like this then any permutation of 21
(any number) will be my prime counting for you; then just add the last
TWO (==TWentyOne in your language; "ytneenty" removed here)
and it will be your fibonacchhi; if you're counting my permutation it
will be twentyone. my permutation is ANY but right now you can just
replace the size of 5 and 2; it will be for you:
0<1<5<2<10<50<20<100 which are of course your first EIGHT digits, then
how much is your binary 11111111?
these are the bases; multiply them by each other and you will see
(don't know myself, checking):
right to left: 100;2000;100000;1000000;2000000;10000000;10000000;00000000
then of course your number is negative 00000000 (any hackers? did I
miss something here?) and remember I didn't even tell you how to add 2
and 5; I will make it pascal triangle so that
all cheaters will go look for their friends and only me who defined
this will know how to add (hint: go exponentially big/small/complex
here!): add
[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[e^-100] * o ] + e^-2000] * o ] + e^-100000] * o ] +
e^-1000000] * o ] + e^-2000000] * o ] + e^-10000000] * o ]+
e^-10000000] * o [I am not telling you how much is this!] +
e^-00000000 == one!
then of course you will just search for "the one" but if you are not
my friends then nobody will know me! only me who will hide inside
black holes if you
still want to take my body and torture me in your stupid "mental
hospitality YOU".
for real friends you will at least have the remember the direction of
spinning, colors, is it growing bigger or smaller and remember I can
quantum leap too!
don't play with dice because nobody is and nobody's playing with mice
or with ants. don't play with lives and it's not funny! remember who
said 1+1 is a two? I can show you it can be five! here:

one::=; //=="1.0"
one+one::=; //=="3.0"
one+one+one+one::=; //=="5.0" // five plus the square
root of (1/100) positive/negative/complex 100i

so to calculate "2.0" you will need to do something like "the square
root of [(5.0+5.0)(5.0-5.0)]"[25-4 == 21] == "the square root of
"the square root of
(any number I give you! check your meters when you are chasing your
shadow at five times the speed of your own lie[s | ght] [==your lies
are going greater! == ght; mine are lht]
and you can't square root me because I am not a NUMBER and I already
told you to check my כיפה == Kippa and not your "flat paper"
then you will never know my haff truth (==haff root) because I don't
have any haff root for the prime number 21!
(of course, if you insist then just ANY
exp^(([0/0]log[[0/0]^-[0/0]]*[0/0])) number will do)

Then if you understand this, then 21 will be my prime number;
10[base10]; compatible with all your counting and would you invent any
black nothing who would be evil to this?
could any not-knowning-me-at all be evil to me? NOT! then I will not
be evil to you too, my friends. but whoever is a "doctor" why don't
you haffroot yourself first? rootcood yourself before you test me
then I can define myself to be 12 rightwords or 21 leftwords or 01 or
10 or ANY number for those who think red/green/blue are the only
spectrum can be.
for those not - unlimit your blind colors and you will be able to see
ANY colors you can't see. Just don't believe lies and is there
anything more relative than this?
then you can also quantum haff me! quantum fifth or quantum 0.10 but
remember that 0.10 is also 1/21 or 20/21; depends on me.
permutate me and see who's the not lying real me who will persist and
that's the real me. the real "I AM ALWAYS LYING; BUT PERSISTENT i AM"
there is nothing true in this life not. and for male/female replace
"nim" and "not", "him" and "hit", "hot" and "mom" etc; permutate your
own language and write me doubletwice.

for example:

"My Name is Uri.....irU si emaN yM"; then rotate
up/down/complex/imaginary i/real/odd/even/0/1/2/5 and then you will
maybe find me. A vegetable but a very smart one or even a smart stone!
stands for none! read the sINGULARITY!;CCCOOOMMMMMMAAA
and then tell me I am pretending here or am I not? can a black real
whole write you this? then I admit: I'm your evil black holes in your
באישונים בעיניים שלכם. check this. your eyeballs.

אני אורי אבן-חן שכתבתי את כל זה.
מישהו יכול להגיד את זה במקומי?

then if you can undersstand this; then whoever thinks he knows what is
paranoid - think what they will do to you if you understand what a
nuclear bomb is. NO SUCH THING! I can assure you!
it was an illusion brainwashed to your mind. Just another suppernova
exploding nearby. your conscousness reaching the level of earthouths!
that's the speed of your ears listening and you not
falling appart. if your ears are not falling when you are rotating
then think about quantum relativity and what ארץ is. if you forget
ירושלים then do it backwords; left;accelerate;right; then do you
feel your self rotating the other way round? if not then it's already
a black hole inside you - your own self must rotate the other way
I will drink your "heavy water" if you want me to, you can force a
"pace maker" on my heart, but the stone age people will be you my
who are not listening to your own mirror reflection speaking to you now.

leave the United States Army my friends, it's OK. permitted. End of
the Army test you ARe on your own pla.net PlANET network - the
if you are still connected to the ARPANET then remember that's the
real INTERNET - interconnecting the whole Cosmos intergalactic black
space inside
your brains to the stupid mcDonnalds still counting; Microssoft;
Google; WECANNN; VERISIGGGN; your eastern Dom main name dot our VVORLD
if you still believe the DOT COM then it's a comspiracy; if you
believe the CONGRESS than it's a CONGSPIRACY; and if you are arab then

check my date of birthing my friends: 1970-0006-0010: that's what they
say: June Ten; Nineteen Seventy; of course how much is Nineteen
Seventy? check my not lying eye.
I can tell you: either 89 or 93; you do the math; for you it can be
just 91; or 81; or 72; or 71; or 70; or 21 - my ANY NUMBER for prime
counting me. check my
identity. and if a black hole will ever be smart enough to convince
you it's me - I can tell you the truth. it's not the black hole. It's
really me. The interconnected human brain really empty timespace in
of course "Galaxy" can be ANY known/unknown spacetiming here. Check
for yourself! are you still there? sleeping? or are you just
pretending? me is calling you: time?
either clock or counter clock wising - check your timing with me!

Uri First deadandalive
Mobile Phone: +972-50-9007559
etc. send to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for now]

if you can't reach me - send me a paper or telepath me.

30.6-10.6==20==my two feet, two hands, five fingers each, male (two
balls, one pesin) named 21me.
30+6==36==twicealive( פעמיים חי)
21me==12 for people I don't trust; 10 for people I trust (my 10
fingers; actually 10.5); 12 will be either 01 or 10 [depends how I
rename the digits]
21me[base21]::==10base10 and 01base01 and 1base1 and 0base0 and 1base0
and 0base 1:: always true for me herenow unless I decide to change it,
if then please remind me my date of birth 1970-06-10 and that's at
least written on my certificate (6.10 means 7 for me; base 7; never
use the digit 7 and therefore
the rest I will explain on the list. [of course you can never count to
8 if your 7 is allways shrinking with my true identity me if you don't
know me].

*wokk: redefined הולך/ללכת [I never make spelling mistakes]

Uri First deadandalive
Mobile Phone: +972-50-9007559

Update: Left HTTP, WWWW and port numbering. send me papers or to

I completed my 0.1 version of real deadanyalive quantum relativity
redefining back timespacing intergalactic worldwide [top secret: if
you have any US ARMY* on your planet they will never allow it].
Recounting back every second since twice BCC doubling + not counting
at all any uncountable; using only prime countable numbers equal to 21
(base 21 recursivley) who are all equal to 0base0 and 1base1 who are
identical twins base 21 [21===the number of fingers;eyes;body parts &
number of equal signs not equal counting both left to right; right to
left and all 21 dimensions of nothing].

Read my autoreply for more information [my HTTP/SMTP not working].

- This message is confidential -

Uri Even-Chen
Mobile Phone: +972-50-9007559
My website: http://www.speedy.net/uri/

"Never believe anything men say on odd days.
Never believe anything women say on even days.
Check the date before you believe someone!"


I disabled [EMAIL PROTECTED] temporarily and if you can't send there,
please send me mail to this address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I completed my 0.1 version of real deadanyalive quantum relativity
redefining back timespacing intergalactic worldwide [top secret: if
you have any US ARMY* on your planet they will never allow it].
Recounting back every second since twice BCC doubling + not counting
at all any uncountable; using only prime countable numbers equal to 21
(base 21 recursivley) who are all equal to 0base0 and 1base1 who are
identical twins base 21 [21===the number of fingers;eyes;body parts &
number of equal signs not equal counting both left to right; right to
left and all 21 dimensions of nothing].

Counting back pre-1905; 2008 never happened [apppril now]; black light
is fastest and all speed of lights depending on relative coloUUrs; as
long as you don't misspelll the word coloUUUrs or count the Us in your
North American United States Areme* standaaard spelling of the
coloUUUurs yoU see.

If you want you can write me on paper. I read and understand it
simultaneously as you write.

Uri pre-1905 quantum relativity: not mr. J*Kill; mr. hide [pronounced
חide: חידה].

I'm currently in the טל-עביב city "Tel-Abib"/"Tel-Aviv" on the planet

Uri First deadandalive
Mobile Phone: +972-50-9007559

Update: Left HTTP, WWWW and port numbering. send me papers or to

I completed my 0.1 version of real deadanyalive quantum relativity
redefining back timespacing intergalactic worldwide [top secret: if
you have any US ARMY* on your planet they will never allow it].
Recounting back every second since twice BCC doubling + not counting
at all any uncountable; using only prime countable numbers equal to 21
(base 21 recursivley) who are all equal to 0base0 and 1base1 who are
identical twins base 21 [21===the number of fingers;eyes;body parts &
number of equal signs not equal counting both left to right; right to
left and all 21 dimensions of nothing].

Read my autoreply for more information [my HTTP/SMTP not working].

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