On Thu, Nov 11, 2004, Shachar Shemesh wrote about "Re: Looking for a Good 
Web-Forum Implementation":
> 013-Danny Lieberman wrote:
> >shachar
> >thanks for the input.
> >
> >we have a fair number of people that had registered with the old
> >software.co.il site and we merged a single name db
> >for the newsletter with people we know on a first name or email-name basis.
> >
> That is obviously not what you did in my case, though. Was it?

I got the same spam, and believe me, I also never registered to this
"software.co.il" mailing list. I never even heard of this company before
(and now that I heard of it through spam, I'll make sure never to use it...).

Moreover, this spam got filtered by Vipul's Razor. This usually means that
many people got the same email, and reported it as being spam (though, I
have to admit, lately Vipul's Razor has been acting up for me, and reporting
some innocent email as being spam).

> >We made an effort to only keep names of people in the software
> >business so that the mail would be relevant. (hopefully). We're not selling
> >adult or drugs content...

Ok, so it wasn't porn. Yipee! But it was still spam...

Think of it this way - what if each of the 1,000 computer companies in
Israel sent me an email every week (like your "weekly newsletter"), telling
me "hey, I thought you were interested in computers, this isn't port"?
What if each of the 100,000 non-port non-drug companies in Israeli does
it? What if each of the 100,000,000 companies worldwide do it?
So, what makes your company so special that I want *those* emails?
Nothing, really. Think about it.

Then think a few minutes about this statistic: nowadays, I get 13 times
(yes, 13 times) more spam than I get personal email actually addressed to
me. Another statistic for you to think about before spamming me: averaged
over the last 6 months, I've been getting over 100 spams a day. Do you
still think I won't mind getting your mail, or won't mind clicking your
opt-out button?

> >We prominently positioned 2 opt out buttons - and I while I hope you found
> >the material of use - you're more than welcome to opt out.

All spam have these do-nothing (or worse) buttons. Do you know anyone who
actually bothers to use them? And if you do, does it help?

Nadav Har'El                        |   Thursday, Nov 11 2004, 27 Heshvan 5765
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             |-----------------------------------------
Phone +972-523-790466, ICQ 13349191 |A professor is one who talks in someone
http://nadav.harel.org.il           |else's sleep.

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