>>>>> "Shachar" == Shachar Shemesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Shachar> Aharon Schkolnik wrote:
    >> Under RH8 I had Hebrew working just fine on my machine.  I was
    >> using KDE's keyboard layout.  I just upgraded to RH9 (with KDE
    >> 3.1.2), and now it doesn't work.
    >> I discovered from
    >> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/kde-il/message/206 that the
    >> keyboard configuration under RH9 "seems completely broken".
    >> So, I tried using the suggested Xkb workaround -
    >> /usr/X11R6/bin/setxkbmap -compat "group_led" -symbols \
    >> "us(pc101)+il+group(alt_shift_toggle)+group(switch)" That
    >> worked fine (I can switch back and forth between Hebrew and

    >> English), except for the thing I need it for most:
    >> I need to run an application on a remote (VMS) machine,
    >> displaying on my machine, which needs Hebrew input. I am unable
    >> to get Hebrew input in the window from the remote machine. To
    >> be completely clear: If I telnet to the remote machine, and
    >> then create another window

    >> displayed on my machine, and then switch to Hebrew, I get
    >> Hebrew in the telnet session, but no Hebrew in the remotely
    >> displayed window.  This was working fine under RH8, and in fact
    >> if I use KDE's broken keyboard utility under RH9 I do get
    >> Hebrew in the remotely displayed window (just can't get back to
    >> English, since it's broken).
    >> Is there some setxkbmap option I need to know about ?  Is there
    >> some logical explanation for what is going on ?  Can anyone
    >> help me ?
    >> TIA.

    Shachar> It sounds like your remote VMS utility is having problem
    Shachar> with XKB's backwards compatibility. There is a
    Shachar> fundemental difference between KDE's keyboard switch
    Shachar> utility and the configuration you did. The configuration
    Shachar> you did (which is the recommended way to go) loads two
    Shachar> layouts one besides the other, and switches between
    Shachar> them. This is the case for pre 4.3.0 XFree too (the only
    Shachar> diffrerence is that there, you had to couple the English
    Shachar> and Hebrew keyboards, and had no other choice). The
    Shachar> option to do this is defined by an X extension called
    Shachar> "XKB", which dates back to 1996 (IIRC).

    Shachar> The KDE utility actually changes keymaps each and every
    Shachar> time you change language. This requires no X extension at
    Shachar> all. XKB is supposed to provide backwards compatibility
    Shachar> to utilities that are not XKB aware, which is supposed to
    Shachar> make them think that what is happening is what the KDE
    Shachar> keyboard switch utility is doing. It sounds as if this
    Shachar> does not work properly in your case.

    Shachar> I think the only useful piece of information this email
    Shachar> does not hold is what you can do about it :-)

I wonder what would happen if I made the Hebrew lay the "primary"
layout, and the English the "secondary". Is there any way to do that ?
If so, is it possible that the VMS application would then pick up the
Hebrew layout ?

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