On Sun, 2 May 1999, Alex Shnitman wrote:
> Is anybody aware of an alternative to NFS that works the way ssh does,
> i.e. does authentication not according to the IP but according to the
> existance of the right key on the other side? Some kind of NFS with
> public-key cryptoraphy? In other words, something that is to NFS what
> ssh is to rsh.
just to add yet another possible alternative, i've just played this week
with using samba over ssh, from my linux machine at home to a remote linux
machine. after redirecting port 139 of my local machine to port 139 of the
remote machine (ssh -L .....), i used smbmount to mount a directory from
the remote machine on the local machine, and got it working. One problem -
on my 28.8k modem, the connection was quite slow. any 'ls' command came
out with a slagish response. i didn't try file transfers yet (only created
a 'hello world' file using vi - it responded VERY slagishly, sometimes
getting stuck for 5-7 seconds between operations (e.g. when trying to save
the file).