> > In StorVSC, payload->range.len is used to indicate if this SCSI
> > command carries payload. This data is allocated as part of the private
> > driver data by the upper layer and may get passed to lower driver
> uninitialized.
> I had always thought the private driver data *is* initialized to zero by the
> upper layer. Indeed, scsi_queue_rq() calls scsi_prepare_cmd(), which zeros the
> private driver data as long as the driver does not specify a custom function 
> to
> do the initialization (and storvsc does not).  So I'm curious -- what's the
> execution path where this initialization doesn't happen?
> Michael

SCSI mid layer may send commands to lower driver without initializing private 
For example, scsi_send_eh_cmnd() may send TEST_UNIT_READY and REQUEST_SENSE to 
lower layer driver without initializing private data.

I don't know if there are other places doing similar things outside 
scsi_error.c, but storvsc is already calling memset() on its private data:
(in storvsc_queuecommand)
memset(&cmd_request->vstor_packet, 0, sizeof(struct vstor_packet));

The assumption is that private data is not guaranteed to be 0.


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