-struct mlx5e_umr_wqe {
+struct mlx5e_umr_wqe_hdr {
    struct mlx5_wqe_ctrl_seg       ctrl;
    struct mlx5_wqe_umr_ctrl_seg   uctrl;
    struct mlx5_mkey_seg           mkc;
+struct mlx5e_umr_wqe {
+    struct mlx5e_umr_wqe_hdr hdr;

You missed or ignored my comment on v0, anyway:

Can we have struct mlx5e_umr_wq_hdr defined anonymously within
mlx5e_umr_wqe? Let's avoid namespace pollution.

I thought your comment was directed to Jabuk.

I don't see how to avoid that and at the same time changing
the type of the conflicting object and fix the warnings:

-                       struct mlx5e_umr_wqe   umr_wqe;
+                       struct mlx5e_umr_wqe_hdr umr_wqe;

My first patch avoids the need to introduce a bunch of `hdr.`
changes. However, `hdr` is introduced as an identifier for
the members grouped in the new type `struct mlx5e_umr_wqe_hdr`.

Of course struct_group_tagged() also creates an anonymous struct,
which is why we can avoid all those `hdr.` changes in v1.


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