On January 22, 2024 6:22:13 PM PST, Kent Overstreet <kent.overstr...@linux.dev> 
>On Mon, Jan 22, 2024 at 04:26:35PM -0800, Kees Cook wrote:
>> In our continuing effort to eliminate root causes of flaws in the kernel,
>> this series is the start to providing a way to have sensible coverage
>> for catching unexpected arithmetic wrap-around.
>This all seems fine, but... Rust already has this at the type system
>I know you're not one of the people bringing bickering into the Rust
>threads, so I'm wondering if perhaps your secret plan is to annoy the
>die hard "I want everything to be fast with razor blades everywhere" C
>programmers enough to finally get onboard the "let's just switch to a
>language with less razor wire" train.

I don't want to annoy anyone, but yeah, in the process of getting rid of 
dangerous stuff we do end up asking people to make changes they're not used to. 
I hope to make it as easy as possible, though.

I'm a big fan of Rust, but I know it's not going to happen over night; there is 
a LOT of C code in Linux. :) I look at making the kernel safer by removing as 
many C foot-guns as possible. As we remove the ambiguities in C that lead to 
vulnerabilities, we'll eventually meet halfway with the new Rust code.


Kees Cook

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