On Fri, 2025-01-24 at 11:41:22 -0500, Matthew Pounsett wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 24, 2025 at 7:57 AM Thomas Lange <la...@cs.uni-koeln.de> wrote:
> > Did you used the command wipefs -a on all disks and partitions?
> > Maybe also use dd and write some MB of zeros onto the disks. There may
> > be signatures of soft raid and GPT tables at the end of the disk.
> I'm already using dd to write zeros to the disks ("I've used dd to wipe all
> four drives of data left behind by the previous hardware controller"
> above), which has been sufficient in the past.

I've settled with "sgdisk --zap-all" which is supposed to also get rid of
extended partition structures (MBR). Zeroing the first few hundred MB will
wipe any trace of an MBR but would leave the second GPT copy at the disk
"end" unchanged, some partitioners would still find it.

*If* you keep your dd habit, consider running "smartctl -A" afterwards to
get an early idea of possible disk failures ahead.


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