>>>>> On Thu, 23 Jan 2025 17:33:56 -0500, Matthew Pounsett <m...@conundrum.com> 
>>>>> said:

    > Executing: mdadm --assemble --scan 
    > mdadm --assemble --scan --config=/tmp/fai/mdadm-from-examine.conf had 
exit code 1
    > (STDERR) mdadm: Devices UUID-01c77a40:7ab3107d:583f6322:117cbec4 and
    > UUID-c5e32267:fd576f2b:ee8febe0:48c9d35a have the same name: /dev/md/0
    > (STDERR) mdadm: Duplicate MD device names in conf file were found.
    > Command had non-zero exit code
IMO this is the problem. For whatever reason there are still some UUID
on other disks.

    > I've used dd to wipe all four drives of data left behind by the previous 
hardware controller, and
    > when I started the install all four drives had no partitions, but 
somewhere along the way
    > setup-storage seems to have written partitions to all four drives, not 
just the first two.
Did you used the command wipefs -a on all disks and partitions?
Maybe also use dd and write some MB of zeros onto the disks. There may
be signatures of soft raid and GPT tables at the end of the disk. 

In your format.log we only see sdb. So another FAI run must have
written to other disks.

Also check $disklist in /tmp/fai/variables.log

regards Thomas

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