Add specification for the *PCI NTB* function device. The endpoint function
driver and the host PCI driver should be created based on this

Signed-off-by: Kishon Vijay Abraham I <>
 Documentation/PCI/endpoint/pci-test-ntb.txt | 315 ++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 315 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Documentation/PCI/endpoint/pci-test-ntb.txt

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+                              PCI NTB FUNCTION
+                   Kishon Vijay Abraham I <>
+PCI NTB Function allows two different systems (or hosts) to communicate
+with each other by configurig the endpoint instances in such a way that
+transactions from one system is routed to the other system.
+In the below diagram, PCI NTB function configures the SoC with multiple
+PCIe Endpoint (EP) instances in such a way that transaction from one EP
+controller is routed to the other EP controller. Once PCI NTB function
+configures the SoC with multiple EP instances, HOST1 and HOST2 can
+communicate with each other using SoC as a bridge.
+   +-------------+                                   +-------------+
+   |             |                                   |             |
+   |    HOST1    |                                   |    HOST2    |
+   |             |                                   |             |
+   +------^------+                                   +------^------+
+          |                                                 |
+          |                                                 |
+|  +------v------+                                   +------v------+  |
+|  |             |                                   |             |  |
+|  |     EP      |                                   |     EP      |  |
+|  | CONTROLLER1 |                                   | CONTROLLER2 |  |
+|  |             <----------------------------------->             |  |
+|  |             |                                   |             |  |
+|  |             |                                   |             |  |
+|  |             |  SoC With Multiple EP Instances   |             |  |
+|  |             |  (Configured using NTB Function)  |             |  |
+|  +-------------+                                   +-------------+  |
+Constructs used for Implementing NTB:
+       *) Config Region
+       *) Self Scratchpad Registers
+       *) Peer Scratchpad Registers
+       *) Doorbell Registers
+       *) Memory Window
+Modeling Constructs:
+  There are 5 or more distinct regions (config, self scratchpad, peer
+scratchpad, doorbell, one or more memory windows) to be modeled to achieve
+NTB functionality. Atleast one memory window is required while more than
+one is permitted. All these regions should be mapped to BAR for hosts to
+access these regions.
+If one 32-bit BAR is allocated for each of these regions, the scheme would
+look like
+       BAR0 -> Config Region
+       BAR1 -> Self Scratchpad
+       BAR2 -> Peer Scratchpad
+       BAR3 -> Doorbell
+       BAR4 -> Memory Window 1
+       BAR5 -> Memory Window 2
+However if we allocate a separate BAR for each of the region, there would not
+be enough BARs for all the regions in a platform that supports only 64-bit
+In order to be be supported by most of the platforms, the regions should be
+packed and mapped to BARs in a way that provides NTB functionality and
+also making sure the hosts doesn't access any region that it is not supposed
+The following scheme is used in EPF NTB Function
+       BAR0 -> Config Region + Self Scratchpad
+       BAR1 -> Peer Scratchpad
+       BAR2 -> Doorbell + Memory Window 1
+       BAR3 -> Memory Window 2
+       BAR4 -> Memory Window 3
+       BAR4 -> Memory Window 4
+With this scheme, for the basic NTB functionality 3 BARs should be sufficient.
+Modeling Config/Scratchpad Region:
++-----------------+------->+------------------+        +-----------------+
+|       BAR0      |        |  CONFIG REGION   |        |       BAR0      |
++-----------------+----+   +------------------+<-------+-----------------+
+|       BAR1      |    |   |SCRATCHPAD REGION |        |       BAR1      |
++-----------------+    +-->+------------------+<-------+-----------------+
+|       BAR2      |            Local Memory            |       BAR2      |
++-----------------+                                    +-----------------+
+|       BAR3      |                                    |       BAR3      |
++-----------------+                                    +-----------------+
+|       BAR4      |                                    |       BAR4      |
++-----------------+                                    +-----------------+
+|       BAR5      |                                    |       BAR5      |
++-----------------+                                    +-----------------+
+  EP CONTROLLER 1                                        EP CONTROLLER 2
+Above diagram shows Config region + Scratchpad region for HOST1 (connected to
+EP controller 1) allocated in local memory. The HOST1 can access the config
+region and scratchpad region (self scratchpad) using BAR0 of EP controller 1.
+The peer host (HOST2 connected to EP controller 2) can also access this
+scratchpad region (peer scratchpad) using BAR1 of EP controller 2. This
+diagram shows the case where Config region and Scratchpad region is allocated
+for HOST1, however the same is applicable for HOST2.
+Modeling Doorbell/Memory Window 1:
++-----------------+    +----->+----------------+-----------+-----------------+
+|       BAR0      |    |      |   Doorbell 1   +-----------> MSI|X ADDRESS 1 |
++-----------------+    |      +----------------+           +-----------------+
+|       BAR1      |    |      |   Doorbell 2   +---------+ |                 |
++-----------------+    |      +----------------+         | |                 |
+|       BAR2      |    |      |   Doorbell 3   +-------+ | +-----------------+
++-----------------+    |      +----------------+       | +-> MSI|X ADDRESS 2 |
+|       BAR3      |    |      |   Doorbell 4   +-----+ |   +-----------------+
++----------------------+      +----------------+     | |   |                 |
+|       BAR4      |           |                |     | |   +-----------------+
++----------------------+      |      MW1       +---+ | +-->+ MSI|X ADDRESS 3||
+|       BAR5      |    |      |                |   | |     +-----------------+
++-----------------+    +----->-----------------+   | |     |                 |
+  EP CONTROLLER 1             |                |   | |     +-----------------+
+                              |                |   | +---->+ MSI|X ADDRESS 4 |
+                              +----------------+   |       +-----------------+
+                               EP CONTROLLER 2     |       |                 |
+                                 (OB SPACE)        |       |                 |
+                                                   +------->      MW1        |
+                                                           |                 |
+                                                           |                 |
+                                                           +-----------------+
+                                                           |                 |
+                                                           |                 |
+                                                           |                 |
+                                                           |                 |
+                                                           |                 |
+                                                           +-----------------+
+                                                           PCI Address Space
+                                                           (Managed by HOST2)
+Above diagram shows how the doorbell and memory window 1 is mapped so that
+HOST1 can raise doorbell interrupt on HOST2 and also how HOST1 can access
+buffers exposed by HOST2 using memory window1 (MW1). Here doorbell and
+memory window 1 regions are allocated in EP controller 2 outbound (OB) address
+space. Allocating and configuring BARs for doorbell and memory window1
+is done during the initialization phase of NTB endpoint function driver.
+Mapping from EP controller 2 OB space to PCI address space is done when HOST2
+sends CMD_CONFIGURE_MW/CMD_CONFIGURE_DOORBELL. The commands are explained
+Modeling Optional Memory Windows:
+This is modeled the same was as MW1 but each of the additional memory windows
+is mapped to separate BARs.
+Config Region:
+Config Region is a construct that is specific to NTB implemented using NTB
+Endpoint Function Driver. The host and endpoint side NTB function driver will
+exchange informatio with each other using this region. Config Region has
+Control/Status Registers for configuring the Endpoint Controller. Host can
+write into this region for configuring the outbound ATU and to indicate the
+link status. Endpoint can indicate the status of commands issued be host in
+this region. Endpoint can also indicate the scratchpad offset, number of
+memory windows to the host using this region.
+The format of Config Region is given below. Each of the fields here are 32
+       +------------------------+
+       |         COMMAND        |
+       +------------------------+
+       |         ARGUMENT       |
+       +------------------------+
+       |         STATUS         |
+       +------------------------+
+       |         TOPOLOGY       |
+       +------------------------+
+       |    ADDRESS (LOWER 32)  |
+       +------------------------+
+       |    ADDRESS (UPPER 32)  |
+       +------------------------+
+       |           SIZE         |
+       +------------------------+
+       +------------------------+
+       |   NO OF MEMORY WINDOW  |
+       +------------------------+
+       |       SPAD OFFSET      |
+       +------------------------+
+       |        SPAD COUNT      |
+       +------------------------+
+       |      DB ENTRY SIZE     |
+       +------------------------+
+       |         DB DATA        |
+       +------------------------+
+       |            :           |
+       +------------------------+
+       |            :           |
+       +------------------------+
+       |         DB DATA        |
+       +------------------------+
+       NTB function supports three commands:
+         CMD_CONFIGURE_DOORBELL (0x1): Command to configure doorbell. Before
+       invoking this command, the host should allocate and initialize
+       MSI/MSI-X vectors (i.e initialize the MSI/MSI-X capability in the
+       Endpoint). The endpoint on receiving this command will configure
+       the outbound ATU such that transaction to DB BAR will be routed
+       to the MSI/MSI-X address programmed by the host. The ARGUMENT
+       register should be populated with number of DBs to configure (in the
+       lower 16 bits) and if MSI or MSI-X should be configured (BIT 16).
+       (TODO: Add support for MSI-X).
+         CMD_CONFIGURE_MW (0x2): Command to configure memory window. The
+       host invokes this command after allocating a buffer that can be
+       accessed by remote host. The allocated address should be programmed
+       in the ADDRESS register (64 bit), the size should be programmed in
+       the SIZE register and the memory window index should be programmed
+       in the ARGUMENT register. The endpoint on receiving this command
+       will configure the outbound ATU such that trasaction to MW BAR
+       will be routed to the address provided by the host.
+         CMD_LINK_UP (0x3): Command to indicate an NTB application is
+       bound to the EP device on the host side. Once the endpoint
+       receives this command from both the hosts, the endpoint will
+       raise an LINK_UP event to both the hosts to indicate the hosts
+       can start communicating with each other.
+       The value of this register is based on the commands issued in
+       command register. See COMMAND section for more information.
+  configuring memory window and to indicate the host side NTB application
+  has initialized.
+       Set to NTB_TOPO_B2B_USD for Primary interface
+       Set to NTB_TOPO_B2B_DSD for Secondary interface
+       Address and Size to be used while configuring the memory window.
+       See "CMD_CONFIGURE_MW" for more info.
+       Memory Window 1 and Doorbell registers are packed together in the
+       same BAR. The initial portion of the region will have doorbell
+       registers and the latter portion of the region is for memory window 1.
+       This register will specify the offset of the memory window 1.
+       Specifies the number of memory windows supported by the NTB device.
+       Self scratchpad region and config region are packed together in the
+       same BAR. The initial portion of the will have config region and
+       the latter portion of the region is for self scratchpad. This
+       register will specify the offset of the self scratchpad registers.
+       Specifies the number of scratchpad registers supported by the NTB
+       device.
+       Used to determine the offset within the DB BAR that should be written
+       in order to raise doorbell. EPF NTB can use either MSI/MSI-X to
+       ring doorbell (MSI-X support will be added later). MSI uses same
+       address for all the interrupts and MSI-X can provide different
+       addresses for different interrupts. The MSI/MSI-X address is provided
+       by the host and the address it gives is based on the MSI/MSI-X
+       implementation supported by the host. For instance, ARM platform
+       using GIC ITS will have same MSI-X address for all the interrupts.
+       In order to support all the combinations and use the same mechanism
+       for both MSI and MSI-X, EPF NTB allocates separate region in the
+       Outbound Address Space for each of the interrupts. This region will
+       be mapped to the MSI/MSI-X address provided by the host. If a host
+       provides the same address for all the interrupts, all the regions
+       will be translated to the same address. If a host provides different
+       address, the regions will be translated to different address. This
+       will ensure there is no difference while raising the doorbell.
+       EPF NTB supports 32 interrupts. So there are 32 DB DATA registers.
+       This holds the MSI/MSI-X data that has to be written to MSI address
+       for raising doorbell interrupt. This will be populated by EPF NTB
+       while invoking CMD_CONFIGURE_MW.
+Scratchpad Registers:
+  Each host has it's own register space allocated in the memory of NTB EPC.
+  They are both readable and writable from both sides of the bridge. They
+  are used by applications built over NTB and can be used to pass control
+  and status information between both sides of a device.
+  Scratchpad registers has 2 parts
+       1) Self Scratchpad: Host's own register space
+       2) Peer Scratchpad: Remote host's register space.
+Doorbell Registers:
+  Registers using which one host can interrupt the other host.
+Memory Window:
+  Actual transfer of data between the two hosts will happen using the
+  memory window.

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