From: David Binder <>

Fixes the kerneldoc comment for struct visor_device - the struct members
were not listed with the appropriate @ prefix.

Signed-off-by: David Binder <>
Signed-off-by: David Kershner <>
 drivers/staging/unisys/include/visorbus.h | 34 +++++++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/staging/unisys/include/visorbus.h 
index 666a04e..c836c8d 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/unisys/include/visorbus.h
+++ b/drivers/staging/unisys/include/visorbus.h
@@ -121,33 +121,33 @@ struct visor_driver {
  * struct visor_device - A device type for things "plugged" into the visorbus
  * bus
- * visorchannel:               Points to the channel that the device is
+ * @visorchannel:              Points to the channel that the device is
  *                             associated with.
- * channel_type_guid:          Identifies the channel type to the bus driver.
- * device:                     Device struct meant for use by the bus driver
+ * @channel_type_guid:         Identifies the channel type to the bus driver.
+ * @device:                    Device struct meant for use by the bus driver
  *                             only.
- * list_all:                   Used by the bus driver to enumerate devices.
- * timer:                      Timer fired periodically to do interrupt-type
+ * @list_all:                  Used by the bus driver to enumerate devices.
+ * @timer:                     Timer fired periodically to do interrupt-type
  *                             activity.
- * being_removed:              Indicates that the device is being removed from
+ * @being_removed:             Indicates that the device is being removed from
  *                             the bus. Private bus driver use only.
- * visordriver_callback_lock:  Used by the bus driver to lock when handling
+ * @visordriver_callback_lock: Used by the bus driver to lock when handling
  *                             channel events.
- * pausing:                    Indicates that a change towards a paused state.
+ * @pausing:                   Indicates that a change towards a paused state.
  *                             is in progress. Only modified by the bus driver.
- * resuming:                   Indicates that a change towards a running state
+ * @resuming:                  Indicates that a change towards a running state
  *                             is in progress. Only modified by the bus driver.
- * chipset_bus_no:             Private field used by the bus driver.
- * chipset_dev_no:             Private field used the bus driver.
- * state:                      Used to indicate the current state of the
+ * @chipset_bus_no:            Private field used by the bus driver.
+ * @chipset_dev_no:            Private field used the bus driver.
+ * @state:                     Used to indicate the current state of the
  *                             device.
- * inst:                       Unique GUID for this instance of the device.
- * name:                       Name of the device.
- * pending_msg_hdr:            For private use by bus driver to respond to
+ * @inst:                      Unique GUID for this instance of the device.
+ * @name:                      Name of the device.
+ * @pending_msg_hdr:           For private use by bus driver to respond to
  *                             hypervisor requests.
- * vbus_hdr_info:              A pointer to header info. Private use by bus
+ * @vbus_hdr_info:             A pointer to header info. Private use by bus
  *                             driver.
- * partition_uuid:             Indicates client partion id. This should be the
+ * @partition_uuid:            Indicates client partion id. This should be the
  *                             same across all visor_devices in the current
  *                             guest. Private use by bus driver only.

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