From: Bryan Thompson <>

Remove visorbus_clear_channel, visorchannel_signalqueue_slots_avail,
visorchannel_signalqueue_max_slots, visorchannel_clear, and
visorchannel_debug which are no longer called by any driver.

Signed-off-by: Bryan Thompson <>
Signed-off-by: David Kershner <>
Reviewed-by: Tim Sell <>
 drivers/staging/unisys/include/visorbus.h       |   9 --
 drivers/staging/unisys/visorbus/visorbus_main.c |   7 --
 drivers/staging/unisys/visorbus/visorchannel.c  | 161 ------------------------
 3 files changed, 177 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/staging/unisys/include/visorbus.h 
index 3ba01cf..cbe240a 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/unisys/include/visorbus.h
+++ b/drivers/staging/unisys/include/visorbus.h
@@ -185,8 +185,6 @@ int visorbus_read_channel(struct visor_device *dev,
 int visorbus_write_channel(struct visor_device *dev,
                           unsigned long offset, void *src,
                           unsigned long nbytes);
-int visorbus_clear_channel(struct visor_device *dev,
-                          unsigned long offset, u8 ch, unsigned long nbytes);
 void visorbus_enable_channel_interrupts(struct visor_device *dev);
 void visorbus_disable_channel_interrupts(struct visor_device *dev);
@@ -206,17 +204,12 @@ int visorchannel_read(struct visorchannel *channel, ulong 
                      void *local, ulong nbytes);
 int visorchannel_write(struct visorchannel *channel, ulong offset,
                       void *local, ulong nbytes);
-int visorchannel_clear(struct visorchannel *channel, ulong offset,
-                      u8 ch, ulong nbytes);
 bool visorchannel_signalremove(struct visorchannel *channel, u32 queue,
                               void *msg);
 bool visorchannel_signalinsert(struct visorchannel *channel, u32 queue,
                               void *msg);
 bool visorchannel_signalempty(struct visorchannel *channel, u32 queue);
-int visorchannel_signalqueue_slots_avail(struct visorchannel *channel,
-                                        u32 queue);
-int visorchannel_signalqueue_max_slots(struct visorchannel *channel, u32 
 u64 visorchannel_get_physaddr(struct visorchannel *channel);
 ulong visorchannel_get_nbytes(struct visorchannel *channel);
 char *visorchannel_id(struct visorchannel *channel, char *s);
@@ -226,8 +219,6 @@ int visorchannel_set_clientpartition(struct visorchannel 
                                     u64 partition_handle);
 uuid_le visorchannel_get_uuid(struct visorchannel *channel);
 char *visorchannel_uuid_id(uuid_le *guid, char *s);
-void visorchannel_debug(struct visorchannel *channel, int num_queues,
-                       struct seq_file *seq, u32 off);
 void __iomem *visorchannel_get_header(struct visorchannel *channel);
 #define BUS_ROOT_DEVICE                UINT_MAX
diff --git a/drivers/staging/unisys/visorbus/visorbus_main.c 
index f7f5986..8c1754f9 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/unisys/visorbus/visorbus_main.c
+++ b/drivers/staging/unisys/visorbus/visorbus_main.c
@@ -715,13 +715,6 @@ visorbus_write_channel(struct visor_device *dev, unsigned 
long offset,
-visorbus_clear_channel(struct visor_device *dev, unsigned long offset, u8 ch,
-                      unsigned long nbytes)
-       return visorchannel_clear(dev->visorchannel, offset, ch, nbytes);
 /** We don't really have a real interrupt, so for now we just call the
  *  interrupt function periodically...
diff --git a/drivers/staging/unisys/visorbus/visorchannel.c 
index 1f626c3..43315c2 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/unisys/visorbus/visorchannel.c
+++ b/drivers/staging/unisys/visorbus/visorchannel.c
@@ -255,41 +255,6 @@ visorchannel_write(struct visorchannel *channel, ulong 
        return 0;
-visorchannel_clear(struct visorchannel *channel, ulong offset, u8 ch,
-                  ulong nbytes)
-       int err;
-       int bufsize = PAGE_SIZE;
-       int written = 0;
-       u8 *buf;
-       buf = (u8 *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
-       if (!buf)
-               return -ENOMEM;
-       memset(buf, ch, bufsize);
-       while (nbytes > 0) {
-               int thisbytes = bufsize;
-               if (nbytes < thisbytes)
-                       thisbytes = nbytes;
-               err = visorchannel_write(channel, offset + written,
-                                        buf, thisbytes);
-               if (err)
-                       goto out_free_page;
-               written += thisbytes;
-               nbytes -= thisbytes;
-       }
-       err = 0;
-       free_page((unsigned long)buf);
-       return err;
 void __iomem  *
 visorchannel_get_header(struct visorchannel *channel)
@@ -490,129 +455,3 @@ visorchannel_signalinsert(struct visorchannel *channel, 
u32 queue, void *msg)
        return rc;
-visorchannel_signalqueue_slots_avail(struct visorchannel *channel, u32 queue)
-       struct signal_queue_header sig_hdr;
-       u32 slots_avail, slots_used;
-       u32 head, tail;
-       if (!sig_read_header(channel, queue, &sig_hdr))
-               return 0;
-       head = sig_hdr.head;
-       tail = sig_hdr.tail;
-       if (head < tail)
-               head = head + sig_hdr.max_slots;
-       slots_used = head - tail;
-       slots_avail = sig_hdr.max_signals - slots_used;
-       return (int)slots_avail;
-visorchannel_signalqueue_max_slots(struct visorchannel *channel, u32 queue)
-       struct signal_queue_header sig_hdr;
-       if (!sig_read_header(channel, queue, &sig_hdr))
-               return 0;
-       return (int)sig_hdr.max_signals;
-static void
-sigqueue_debug(struct signal_queue_header *q, int which, struct seq_file *seq)
-       seq_printf(seq, "Signal Queue #%d\n", which);
-       seq_printf(seq, "   VersionId          = %lu\n", (ulong)q->version);
-       seq_printf(seq, "   Type               = %lu\n", (ulong)q->chtype);
-       seq_printf(seq, "   oSignalBase        = %llu\n",
-                  (long long)q->sig_base_offset);
-       seq_printf(seq, "   SignalSize         = %lu\n", (ulong)q->signal_size);
-       seq_printf(seq, "   MaxSignalSlots     = %lu\n",
-                  (ulong)q->max_slots);
-       seq_printf(seq, "   MaxSignals         = %lu\n", (ulong)q->max_signals);
-       seq_printf(seq, "   FeatureFlags       = %-16.16Lx\n",
-                  (long long)q->features);
-       seq_printf(seq, "   NumSignalsSent     = %llu\n",
-                  (long long)q->num_sent);
-       seq_printf(seq, "   NumSignalsReceived = %llu\n",
-                  (long long)q->num_received);
-       seq_printf(seq, "   NumOverflows       = %llu\n",
-                  (long long)q->num_overflows);
-       seq_printf(seq, "   Head               = %lu\n", (ulong)q->head);
-       seq_printf(seq, "   Tail               = %lu\n", (ulong)q->tail);
-visorchannel_debug(struct visorchannel *channel, int num_queues,
-                  struct seq_file *seq, u32 off)
-       u64 addr = 0;
-       ulong nbytes = 0, nbytes_region = 0;
-       struct channel_header hdr;
-       struct channel_header *phdr = &hdr;
-       int i = 0;
-       int errcode = 0;
-       if (!channel)
-               return;
-       addr = visorchannel_get_physaddr(channel);
-       nbytes_region = visorchannel_get_nbytes(channel);
-       errcode = visorchannel_read(channel, off,
-                                   phdr, sizeof(struct channel_header));
-       if (errcode < 0) {
-               seq_printf(seq,
-                          "Read of channel header failed with errcode=%d)\n",
-                          errcode);
-               if (off == 0) {
-                       phdr = &channel->chan_hdr;
-                       seq_puts(seq, "(following data may be stale)\n");
-               } else {
-                       return;
-               }
-       }
-       nbytes = (ulong)(phdr->size);
-       seq_printf(seq, "--- Begin channel @0x%-16.16Lx for 0x%lx bytes 
(region=0x%lx bytes) ---\n",
-                  addr + off, nbytes, nbytes_region);
-       seq_printf(seq, "Type            = %pUL\n", &phdr->chtype);
-       seq_printf(seq, "ZoneGuid        = %pUL\n", &phdr->zone_uuid);
-       seq_printf(seq, "Signature       = 0x%-16.16Lx\n",
-                  (long long)phdr->signature);
-       seq_printf(seq, "LegacyState     = %lu\n", (ulong)phdr->legacy_state);
-       seq_printf(seq, "SrvState        = %lu\n", (ulong)phdr->srv_state);
-       seq_printf(seq, "CliStateBoot    = %lu\n", (ulong)phdr->cli_state_boot);
-       seq_printf(seq, "CliStateOS      = %lu\n", (ulong)phdr->cli_state_os);
-       seq_printf(seq, "HeaderSize      = %lu\n", (ulong)phdr->header_size);
-       seq_printf(seq, "Size            = %llu\n", (long long)phdr->size);
-       seq_printf(seq, "Features        = 0x%-16.16llx\n",
-                  (long long)phdr->features);
-       seq_printf(seq, "PartitionHandle = 0x%-16.16llx\n",
-                  (long long)phdr->partition_handle);
-       seq_printf(seq, "Handle          = 0x%-16.16llx\n",
-                  (long long)phdr->handle);
-       seq_printf(seq, "VersionId       = %lu\n", (ulong)phdr->version_id);
-       seq_printf(seq, "oChannelSpace   = %llu\n",
-                  (long long)phdr->ch_space_offset);
-       if ((phdr->ch_space_offset == 0) || (errcode < 0))
-               ;
-       else
-               for (i = 0; i < num_queues; i++) {
-                       struct signal_queue_header q;
-                       errcode = visorchannel_read(channel,
-                                                   off +
-                                                   phdr->ch_space_offset +
-                                                   (i * sizeof(q)),
-                                                   &q, sizeof(q));
-                       if (errcode < 0) {
-                               seq_printf(seq,
-                                          "failed to read signal queue #%d 
from channel @0x%-16.16Lx errcode=%d\n",
-                                          i, addr, errcode);
-                               continue;
-                       }
-                       sigqueue_debug(&q, i, seq);
-               }
-       seq_printf(seq, "--- End   channel @0x%-16.16Lx for 0x%lx bytes ---\n",
-                  addr + off, nbytes);

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