My husband heard something like what was described the other night also. We are 
on Lexington Rd.


Nan B.


From: Lincoln <> On Behalf Of Donald Hafner via 
Sent: Monday, December 23, 2024 1:31 PM
To: stephanie kramp <>
Cc: LincolnTalk <>
Subject: Re: [LincolnTalk] Question: Did anyone else hear the noise last night?


It may not answer your specific question, but this is worth taking into account 
— last night the temperature was in single digits, which means the air is 
denser, which in turn means that distant sounds travel further and nearby 
sounds get amplified in ways that make them both louder and more complex.  



On Dec 23, 2024, at 12:44 PM, stephanie kramp via Lincoln 
< <> > wrote:


Hello neighbors,


This may sound like a strange question, but I am so curious I can't help but 
ask: did anyone else hear the unusual noise last night?


We are on Sandy Pond Road, and a little after midnight last evening we began to 
hear a strange, mechanical-like, intermittent noise.  It almost sounded like 
ocean waves crashing against the shore, or like a buzzing aircraft that would 
start and then stop.  It was not terribly loud - I don't think it would have 
woken me had I been asleep.  But it was definitely noticeable, and when I 
opened the window briefly I could hear it very distinctly.


My husband and I both heard it, and when I talked to a neighbor this morning 
she heard it clearly too.  It went on for at least 90 minutes.  We called the 
police who reported no construction in the area.  They sent a patrol car out 
that parked for a short time on the street near our home, but when I saw the 
patrol car sitting outside it seemed the noise had either stopped or become 
more faint for a few minutes.  I did not hear back, so I assumed the officer 
did not hear it.


Anyway, I can't shake my curiosity, so I am writing to ask if anyone else heard 
what the three of us heard!  Please let me know.

Thank you, and happy holidays,


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