FELS, the Foundation for Educators at Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School, will present its annual FELS Talk, The Faye Goldberg-Scheff Memorial Lecture, on Thursday, March 24, 2022, at 7pm in the Lecture Hall at Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School, 390 Lincoln Road, Sudbury, Massachusetts. The featured topic this year will focus on the impact of educational innovation and technology on teaching and learning in today's diverse classroom. The evening will feature a slate of panelists who will approach the topics from a wide range of professional perspectives. They will share their thoughts about the challenges and opportunities, in education via innovation, interventions, neuroscience, technology, equity and inclusion, that have arisen in the first two decades of this new century and their impacts on teaching and learning. The panel discussion will highlight ongoing research and new approaches to education alongside current understanding of pediatric and adolescent development. The moderator for the evening will be *Virginia Blake*, Director of Scheduling and Curriculum at Lincoln-Sudbury. The format for the evening will be a panel discussion around a set of questions followed by an audience question-and-answer. The panelists featured in this year’s FELS Talk will include: *Maureen Markelz* is a literacy specialist at the Lincoln School. She provides intervention for students and coaches teachers on best practices in literacy instruction. Maureen is a Deeper Learning Teacher Leader, a cohort of faculty members committed to developing Deeper Learning in their classrooms and connecting this work to our shared goal of equitable instruction for all students. *Rob MacDonald* is the Director of Academics at NuVu Innovation School in Cambridge, MA. Rob has over 25 years working in schools; he's taught a wide variety of courses, served as a department head and done consulting work on topics ranging from project-based learning to schedule design. *Jal Mehta* is Faculty Co-Chair, Learning Design, Innovation, and Technology (LDIT) at the Harvard University School of Education. He has written extensively on what it would take to improve American education, with a particular focus on the professionalization of teaching. *Anne L’Hommedieu Sanderson* is Co-founder and Executive Director of ThinkerAnalytix and an Associate in the Harvard University Philosophy Department. In partnership with Harvard University, ThinkerAnalytix trains students around the world in logical reasoning skills and intellectual charity. *Masha Stine*, she/her, is a 9th grade Algebra teacher in Lawrence, MA and a 2009 graduate of Lincoln-Sudbury. Masha is passionate about bringing together teachers in communities of practice including critical consciousness training and DIY Coaching, a teacher-led professional development model rooted in video tape reflection. *David K. Urion, MD, FAAN *is a pediatric neurologist and medical ethicist. He serves as Director of Education for the Department of Neurology at Boston Children’s Hospital, where he holds the Charles F. Barlow Chair in Neurology. His inpatient service time is divided between the Neurocritical Care and the Inpatient Child Neurology Services. His outpatient practice is centered on pediatric behavioral neurology. Admission will be $10 per person. All proceeds will benefit the Foundation for Educators at Lincoln-Sudbury, www.FELSGrant.org. FELS is a non-profit organization that awards enrichment grants to Lincoln-Sudbury High School faculty and staff to pursue their professional and personal interests and passions. FELS was founded in 2000 to offer parents a tangible way to show their appreciation to the L-S professional staff for the unflagging dedication, tireless effort, and genuine caring they routinely offer our children. The FELS Talk was designated The Faye Goldberg-Scheff Memorial Lecture in 2012, to honor the memory of Goldberg-Scheff, a cherished member of the FELS Board.
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