
           Thats IT!!!!   Pulled my hair out for days..

           I'll pay it forward... somehow

            thanx - steve

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <>
> To: "Phil Holmes" <>
> Cc: "lilypond-user" <>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2015 2:30 PM
> Subject: Re: Getting ragged-last-bottom et. al to work?
>>>>> Subject: Getting ragged-last-bottom et. al to work?
>>>>         Umm,,, no I don't want a ragged layout. I want the last line
>>>> on
>>>> the last page to fill the line..
>>> Well, the example you sent is too complex to debug by sight and doesn't
>>> compile without all the included files, but ragged-last in a layout
>>> block
>>> definitely does work as documented:
>>> \score {
>>>     \repeat unfold 52 c''
>>>     \layout {
>>>         ragged-last = ##t
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> \score {
>>>     \repeat unfold 52 c''
>>>     \layout {
>>>         ragged-last = ##f
>>>     }
>>> }
>>          Yes, I have proven to myself that it works for simple examples.
>> I am trying
>> to reduce my example to a simple one that will still demonstrate the
>> problem
>> but I haven't been able to... yet.
>>         All if the files needed to compile my example can be found in
>>     Also I modified
>> /usr/local/lilypond/usr/share/lilypond/current/scm/paper.scm
>> by adding a 9" X 12" paper size, which is standard size for music score
>> in
>> my locale
> Your dynamics music is one bar longer than your guitar music, so it pushes
> the guitar music to the left to accommodate it.  Take off your final s2 s2
> and the problem is solved.
> --
> Phil Holmes

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