----- Original Message -----
From: <st...@linuxsuite.org>
To: "Phil Holmes" <m...@philholmes.net>
Cc: "lilypond-user" <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2015 2:30 PM
Subject: Re: Getting ragged-last-bottom et. al to work?
Subject: Getting ragged-last-bottom et. al to work?
Umm,,, no I don't want a ragged layout. I want the last line on
the last page to fill the line..
Well, the example you sent is too complex to debug by sight and doesn't
compile without all the included files, but ragged-last in a layout block
definitely does work as documented:
\score {
\repeat unfold 52 c''
\layout {
ragged-last = ##t
\score {
\repeat unfold 52 c''
\layout {
ragged-last = ##f
Yes, I have proven to myself that it works for simple examples.
I am trying
to reduce my example to a simple one that will still demonstrate the
but I haven't been able to... yet.
All if the files needed to compile my example can be found in
Also I modified
by adding a 9" X 12" paper size, which is standard size for music score in
my locale
Your dynamics music is one bar longer than your guitar music, so it pushes
the guitar music to the left to accommodate it. Take off your final s2 s2
and the problem is solved.
Phil Holmes
lilypond-user mailing list