On 05/02/15 19:05, Brian Barker wrote:
> You *have* missed the point here, I think. It is indeed not obvious
> what may affect what, so someone will have to experiment, removing
> details piecemeal until just before the problem disappears. The idea
> of minimal examples is that if you are not prepared to do some of the
> work in that investigation, why would anyone else want to do it for
> you? That seems a reasonable concept to me.
OK, i think i see what is meant now thank you
> Incidentally, your syllable division is a bit irregular, I think. You
> have "sur-re-xit", which is right, I think, but also "su-rrex-it",
> which almost certainly isn't. Surely "be-ne-di-ca-mus", not
> "be-ne-dic-a-mus"? "Mu-lie-er-es" should surely be "mu-li-er-es"?
> "Pa-ssus" -> "pas-sus"? "Miserrimo": is that a word? Are there more? 
Thanks, i'll tighten that up

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