Hi all,

usually I don't advertise Scores of Beauty posts here, but every now and then there's an exception to the rule.

I have just published a post introducing my new LilyPond library ScholarLY, which intends to become a powerful toolkit for scholarly edition workflows. The first building block that is in a usable state by now is \annotate, a set of functions to annotate musical content and to maintain annotations directly within the LilyPond input files. This can on the one hand _significantly_ increase efficiency in scholarly workflows, and on the other hand it can be used as a kind of in-source issue tracker for any kind of LilyPond project.

I suggest anybody interested in scholarly editing having a look at the post at
and consider joining the project. There is much more to be done, but also to be discussed and designed. So don't hesitate to come up with suggestions, questions and issues, even when you won't contribute a single line of code.

Of course I have already had enormous benefits through the (Scheme) competence on this list. Many thanks to everybody, you'll know who I mean ...


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