Hi Elaine,

> what is wrong with interpreting that the 7th resolve to a 6th?  That seems 
> pretty coherent.

Agreed! I see absolutely nothing wrong with that, and didn’t intend to imply 
otherwise. I was just pointing out that applying consistent assumptions about 
voice-leading and traditional suspension resolutions highlights the ambiguity 
in the notation “Csus7”: it could mean

    <c e g> + b, suggesting a [fixed-root] resolution to <c e g> + a  (i.e., 
7-6 sus)


   <c g bf> + f, suggesting a [fixed-root] resolution to <c g bf> + e (i.e., 
4-3 sus)

That’s why I strongly prefer the notation “Csus7” (or even something like the 
awkward “Csus+7”) only if you mean the [relatively rare] first example, and 
“C7sus4” if you mean the [far more common] second example.


Kieren MacMillan, composer
www:  <http://www.kierenmacmillan.info>
email:  i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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