Hi Michael,

On Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 10:38 AM, Michael Hendry <hendry.mich...@gmail.com>

> On 25 Jan 2015, at 15:15, tisimst [via Lilypond] <[hidden email]
> <http:///user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=170975&i=0>> wrote:
> Michael,
> On Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 7:49 AM, Michael Hendry [via Lilypond] <<a
> href="x-msg://45/user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&amp;node=170972&amp;i=0"
> target="_top" rel="nofollow" link="external" class="">[hidden email]> wrote:
> Experimenting with custom-line-breaks-engraver, I've found that it doesn't
> work correctly if the number of bars to be printed per line exceeds 9, e.g.
>       \consists #(custom-line-breaks-engraver '(10))
> A 37 bar song comes out with 10, 10, 5, 5 and 7 bars per line, instead of
> the expected 10, 10, 10 and 7.
> Specifying (10 10 10 7) doesn't work either.
> (If you use the overrides described below, you will need to specify your
song fully like the above.)

> This isn't a real problem for me, as I usually use 4 bars to the line for
> lead sheets (or 8 bars to the line if the notation is sparse and the song
> is long).
> I don't have any knowledge of Scheme to correct such a brilliantly useful
> piece of work - it's going to save me hours of time messing about with
> \noBreak and \break commands!
> I can't say I've used the custom-line-breaks-engraver, but whenever I need
> to engrave something particularly tight, I like to use the following two
> overrides:
> \layout {
>   \override Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn.line-break-permission = ##f
>   \override Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn.page-break-permission = ##f
> }
> These force LilyPond to break only when YOU tell it to, via \break and
> \page Break. You may not need the page-break one.
> Yes, exactly.  There is a note to this effect in the snippet description
of this engraver found here: http://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=838. In the
code, there are commented-out lines which demonstrate the overrides needed
for forcing your wishes on LilyPond when the program considers the result
too cramped.

Hope this helps,
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