Hi Marc, 2014-09-30 2:09 GMT+02:00 MarcM <m...@mouries.net>:
> any idea on how to make the theme "B" start on a new line? > Try \break ;) Here's how I'd write it : \version "2.19.11" #(set-global-staff-size 22) #(set-default-paper-size "letter") \include "english.ly" \paper { ragged-last-bottom = ##f ragged-bottom = ##t } myMusic = \relative c'' { \time 6/8 \partial 8 \mark \default \repeat volta 2 { g8 \repeat unfold 7 { c8 c c c c c } g4~g8 g4 } \mark \default \break \repeat volta 2 { g8 \repeat unfold 7 { c8 c c c c c } } \alternative { { b c d d e fs} { b, c d d c b} } } \score { \new Staff { \once\override Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #LEFT \myMusic } \layout { indent = 0 system-count = 4 } } HTH, Pierre
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