Hi, On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 10:50 AM, tisimst <tisimst.lilyp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Francois, > > > Francois Planiol wrote > > How do you: > > - set stanza # repeating at each new system? > > I'm not aware of any automagic way of doing it (but that doesn't mean it > can't be done, of course :), so in the mean time, simply add the "\set > stanza = #" wherever you want it to appear! It's that easy! You might want > to add it once you know where the line breaks are, though, or you could get > stanza numbers in the middle of a system :) May be a hassle, but it works > without that much effort. > Unfortunately, the attached won't work properly when repeating the stanza number like this. I'll fiddle around with it, but first things first :) > > > Francois Planiol wrote > > - draw a line-separator between lyrics > There is an old thread which describes how to adapt input/regression/ scheme-text-spanner.ly to create intelligent underlining of lyrics: http://www.mail-archive.com/lilypond-user%40gnu.org/msg60732.html I've adapted this to create the divider. Notice in the comments to "add-grob-definition" near the top of the file that there is a change you need to make for versions 2.19.13 or before. (Depending on how old the version you're using, there may be other changes needed.) Hope this is helpful! --David
\version "2.19.15" \header { tagline = ##f } #(define (add-grob-definition grob-name grob-entry) (let* ((meta-entry (assoc-get 'meta grob-entry)) (class (assoc-get 'class meta-entry)) (ifaces-entry (assoc-get 'interfaces meta-entry))) ; if version is 2.19.13 or before, replace ly:grob-properties? ; in the following line with list? (set-object-property! grob-name 'translation-type? ly:grob-properties?) (set-object-property! grob-name 'is-grob? #t) (set! ifaces-entry (append (case class ((Item) '(item-interface)) ((Spanner) '(spanner-interface)) ((Paper_column) '((item-interface paper-column-interface))) ((System) '((system-interface spanner-interface))) (else '(unknown-interface))) ifaces-entry)) (set! ifaces-entry (uniq-list (sort ifaces-entry symbol<?))) (set! ifaces-entry (cons 'grob-interface ifaces-entry)) (set! meta-entry (assoc-set! meta-entry 'name grob-name)) (set! meta-entry (assoc-set! meta-entry 'interfaces ifaces-entry)) (set! grob-entry (assoc-set! grob-entry 'meta meta-entry)) (set! all-grob-descriptions (cons (cons grob-name grob-entry) all-grob-descriptions)))) #(add-grob-definition 'LyricSeparator `( (bound-details . ((left . ((Y . 0) (padding . 0.25) (attach-dir . ,LEFT) )) (left-broken . ((end-on-note . #t))) (right . ((Y . 0) (padding . 0.25) )) )) (dash-fraction . 0.2) (dash-period . 3.0) (direction . ,UP) (font-shape . italic) (left-bound-info . ,ly:line-spanner::calc-left-bound-info) (outside-staff-priority . 350) (right-bound-info . ,ly:line-spanner::calc-right-bound-info) (staff-padding . 0.8) (stencil . ,ly:line-spanner::print) (style . dashed-line) (meta . ((class . Spanner) (interfaces . (font-interface line-interface line-spanner-interface outside-staff-interface side-position-interface)))))) #(define (add-bound-item spanner item) (if (null? (ly:spanner-bound spanner LEFT)) (ly:spanner-set-bound! spanner LEFT item) (ly:spanner-set-bound! spanner RIGHT item))) #(define (axis-offset-symbol axis) (if (eq? axis X) 'X-offset 'Y-offset)) #(define (set-axis! grob axis) (if (not (number? (ly:grob-property grob 'side-axis))) (begin (set! (ly:grob-property grob 'side-axis) axis) (ly:grob-chain-callback grob (if (eq? axis X) ly:side-position-interface::x-aligned-side side-position-interface::y-aligned-side) (axis-offset-symbol axis))))) LyricSeparatorEngraver = #(lambda (context) (let ((span '())) (make-engraver (acknowledgers ((stanza-number-interface engraver grob source-engraver) (if (ly:spanner? span) (begin (ly:pointer-group-interface::add-grob span 'lyric-bits grob) (ly:spanner-set-bound! span LEFT grob)))) ((lyric-syllable-interface engraver grob source-engraver) (if (ly:spanner? span) (begin (ly:pointer-group-interface::add-grob span 'lyric-bits grob) (add-bound-item span grob))))) ((process-music trans) (if (not (ly:spanner? span)) (let ((ccc (ly:context-property context 'currentCommandColumn))) (set! span (ly:engraver-make-grob trans 'LyricSeparator ccc)) (set-axis! span Y)))) ((finalize trans) (set! span '()))))) \score { \new Staff << \new Voice = "melody" { \time 3/4 g'2 g'4 \break e'2 a'4 g'2. e' } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody"{ \set stanza = #"1. " Na na na na na na } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody"{ \set stanza = #"2. " Na na na na na na } \new Lyrics \with { \consists \LyricSeparatorEngraver \override LyricSeparator #'direction = #DOWN \override LyricSeparator #'style = #'line \override LyricSeparator #'outside-staff-priority = ##f % the following line controls space above and below \override LyricSeparator #'Y-extent = #'(-1 . 1) \override LyricSeparator #'bound-details = #`((left . ((Y . 0) (padding . 0) (attach-dir . ,LEFT))) (left-broken . ((end-on-note . #t))) (right . ((Y . 0) (padding . 0) (attach-dir . ,RIGHT)))) } \lyricsto "melody" { \set stanza = #"3. " Na na na na na naaaaaaaaaaah } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody"{ \set stanza = #"4. " Na na na na na na } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody"{ \set stanza = #"5. " Na na na na na na } >> \layout { \context { \Global \grobdescriptions #all-grob-descriptions } } }
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